HF19 Upvote Experiment - 100% Upvote To Every Comment In This Post Until My Voting Power is Depleted to 0%

Experiment overview

Step 1.

✔ Power Up 100% of STEEM

Step 2.

✔Stop Upvoting until my account is restored to 100% Voting Power (Didn't say I'd vote right away :P)

Step 3.

✔Upvote every comment in this post at 100% - first to last or until voting power is 0% or $0.00

Step 4.

✔ Quantify and analyze results - Ex: total rewards given to users, amount of upvotes until 0%, etc and post results in a visually pleasing post ;)

Complete! Results Here

Obviously the person who comments first will get the greatest rewards but I am curious to see how fast that number drops and where it levels off. Wonder who will comment first??


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