Why the Broke and Rich need Steemit and Other Cryptocurrencies (Bitshares, EOS, Elyte.io )

Steemit which is powered by steem blockchain and a part steem ecosystem has been a blessing to all members -especially those in the developing countries who otherwise do not have an option to earning enough money to help their family. Forget about the current correction or decline in value of most top coins and tokens-rather think about the value cryptocurrencies have added since their inception. Steem current price, for example, is a jackpot compared to few months ago(SBD, EOS, Bitcoin, Ethereum et al too) so why the panic or fud from some people? Is it not ok to have some correction in crypto space in order for more people to change fiat and join us in this great phenomenon called cryptocurrencies? Here are some few points.

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The Broke/ Poor can grow: Steemit platform provides opportunities for all. In fact if you are broke, you can still be a success here-the only thing you need is internet, PC , patience and the ability to learn and blog smart (new guys , pls see my older posts for tips ) -this is true in other cryptocurrencies that are new and undervalued ( see details section of www.elyte.io for full company details , Join and get free elyte via their bounty see link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeOcKUUoTU6IKr1qX5osYaWMdVL8-nB5RmroYtYBir6YYof9A/viewform and crowd sale link
ie https://main.elyte.biz/?page_id=433 for their crowd sale / white list )
Moreover , steemit platform , unlike other social media platforms (Facebook , for example, will never share revenue with members) is currently disrupting the segment and providing opportunities to all ( poor and rich)-especially those who otherwise do not have the opportunity or knowledge to succeed online. This is true if you go to Nigerian and Indian tags where many young students are using the platform to organize and sponsor many humanitarian causes and at the same time , provide for themselves and their communities.

The Rich: You cannot compare the return on investment (ROI) of cryptos with any other investments (even stocks or bonds ). Therefore many rich people have turned to steem blockchain , bitcoin , the newly formed Ethereum Lyte ( www.elyte.io ) and other cryptos due to good ROI the projects provide. On the other hand, however, the crypto space is being attacked (continuously ) by some greedy rich entities ( Banks , government entities , gold investors, Facebook et al ) who want to continue their greedy monopoly and control over the masses and thus will always spread Fud through their controlled media leading to loss in value of cryptos-we have seen this issue before and thus will not be influenced by fear, rather will use it as an opportunity to buy cheap coins or tokens because cryptocurrencies are here to stay.

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Click here and read my former post: Fact: My Trust In Steem ( and top crypto´s ) Is Unshakable: A Steemit weekend blog

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