They say that dogs copy owner's character, now I BELIEVE this (+ 2 totally CUTE DOG pics :) )


Well, my today's post is starring our beloved dog Baska. It kinda sucks to write it as she left the world 2 months ago. I actually decided to never post pictures of her again. But yesterday, I've read something about death in a book and I was all totally appliable on me missing her... And then I checked today and it's #animalphotography day on Steemit. So I guess it was a sign or whatever...


Hm, v mojom dnesnom poste bude Baska - nas havo. Nepise sa mi to uuiplne najlahsie kedze Baska pred 2 mesiacmi umrela. Vtedy som sa rozhodol, ze prestanem postovat jej obrazky. No vcera som akurat v knihe cital nieco o smrti a celkom to bolo aplikovatelne na basku...No a dnes checknem, co je vlastne za sutaz a pozeram, ze #animalphotography. Hm, vlastne preco nie..

Is it me or not?

So what do I actually mean by the title of this post? Well, look at her - looking at that homework with the most saddest face ever. That's me! :D It's literally how I used to look at stupid math or physics homework, unable to finish them :D It also happens sometimes with computer these days...stupid bug, module not being imported right, logs not helping at all...ohhh...but I love my computer so I can't stay away from it long anyway :D

Solution to every problem

We all secretly know what it is. The one and only - king of them all, ruling the lands of productivity - The Powernap!....Ok, in her case, it was like 2 hours till she decided to wake up...and take a shit :D But I guess you get my point :D.

Som to ja ci nie?

Co som vlastne myslel tym nadpisom? Hm, ved sa na nu pozrite - jako nestastne pozera na tu domacu ulohu :D Ved to som cely ja! Presne takto som vzdy vyzeral, ked som nevedel vyriesit nejaku domacu ulohu z matiky abo fyziky. Niekedy sa to deje aj s kompom ... hlupy bug, nespravne importovany modul, logy plne bullshitu...ohhh...zas na druhej strane, moj pocitac mam naozaj rad, cize dlho nanho takto zazerat nevydrzim.

Riesenie kazdeho problemu

Vsetci vieme, co to je. Jediny a jedinecny - kral vsetkych rieseni, tvrdou rukou vladnuci krajine produktivity - pan Poobedny 10-minutovy Spanok. Az na to ze ona spala 2 hod...kym sa nezobudila s tym, ze chce ist kadit :D

:) ...
This second picture is also my entry for today´s #animalphotography contest hosted by @juliank.

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [Funny story] Omani guy finds sports motivation in the middle of Barcelona
  2. WOOHOO!! Elon Musk on Joe Rogan Experience!!! - 3 hours in 10 minutes summary
  3. [DTube Vlog #13] Helping my father SAVING THE LAST GINKO TREE in my hometown
  4. I freaking LOVE my Sunday EGGS!! .. or .. don't take camera to the kitchen! ** photo-recipe **
  5. GetOldTweets-python: Open-source "module" bypassing limitations of Twitter API
  6. My father FORGOT on HIS OWN SON!! + surprisingly difficult gymnastic rings exercise


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