I freaking LOVE my Sunday EGGS!! .. or .. don't take camera to the kitchen! ** photo-recipe **


Ok, I didn't really plan to take 8000 pictures while doing my eggs. I'm not that type of person :D I swear...don't judge me :D

It started with a fly

Fly sat on the carrots on the pan. I thought it'll be a nice pic so I rushed to my room to get my camera...in the meantime, fly is ofcourse gone. And now, I have a camera in the kitchen..here we go :D


Ok, naozaj som neplanoval spravit 8000 fotiek popri tom ako si robim prazenicu. Niesom ten typ...aspon som nikdy nebol :D

Zacalo to muchou

Proste mi sadla mucha na mrkvu praziacu sa na panvici :D Tak som rychlo valil do izby zobrat fotak...medzicasom mucha samozrejme zmizla..A tak som tam zrazu v kuchyni sam...a s fotakom :D

Next up - champignones

I don't even know whether I just spelled it correctly :D Anyway, I always add them to eggs. It just goes together...sometimes I bake them separately in the oven, but not this time :)

Nasleduju - sampinony

Ani neviem, ci som ich po anglicky napisal spravne :D Kazdopadne, do prazenice ich pridavam vzdy. Jednoducho sa to hodi. Niekedy ich dokonca hodim samostatne do pece a kvazi "upeciem"?



Shit...that starts to look good already! I guess I could it it as it is in this state. Here I started to play with settings - manual focus and shit :D
Ohh..to uz vyzera dobre samo o sebe ci! Kludne by som to zjedol len tak, ako to je. Tu som zacal s fotakom vymyslat rozne "vlastne" settings :D


But I promised you EGGS. So I gotta add EGGS I guess :D Also, this is where I fucked up the settings :DD Didn't take long, I know :) I forgot to adjust ISO as I've set shutter speed to superfast one, as I wanted to catch those eggs sharp (not like the champignones).
Ale slubil som Vam vajicka. Tak musim pridat...vajicka :D Tu som zaroven aj posral nastavenia :DD Viem co si vravite - "to netrvalo dlho" :D. Zabudol som zvysit ISO po tom, co som znizil uzavierku, aby som pekne cvakol padajuce vajicka (a nie rozmazane ako predtym sampinony).

Some more details cuz I was starting to feel like a pro :D I guess @osobnirozvoj knows what I'm talking about hahah :D
Dalsie detaily - proste som sa zacinal citit ako fakin pro :D Predpokladam, ze @osobnirozvoj vie o com rozpravam :D

Sunday - cheatday Hm, I;m trying to stay away from bread. Not all the time, but Im trying..Not on weekends tho...I just love that crispy hot bread from the oven...Ohhh.

Nedela - cheatdayHm, od chleba sa snazim drzat obdalec. Nie uplne stale, no snazim sa..Nie vsak cez vikendy :D Predstava toho chrumkaveho tepleho krajca je proste silnejsia..

Don't tell me that bread doesn't look as delicious as bread can be. Shit, Im getting hungry again :D

Anyway, at this point I was almost done :) Just some seeds on top for extra added healthy fats and I'm good to go!

No prosim. Kto nema chut na takyto paradny chlieb, tak neviem. Ja zacinam byt znova hladny len pri pisani :D

Kazdopadne, v tomto momente som bol takmer hotovy. Uz len nejake semiacka navrch pre extra zdrave tuky...Hotovy, semiacka...Divne :D

Wohooo...Everything's ready and my hungry flatmate is getting his plate :)
Oujeah...Vsetko dokoncene a moj hladny spolubyvajuci dostava jeho tanier :)

While I'm trying some extra features/filters of the camera, my mate is freaking out :D "Dude, Im hungry!"
Zatial co ja si skusam nejake extra filtre na fotaku, spolubyvajuci straca trpezlivost :D "Kamooo, daj to uz sem!"

And I've enjoyed mine in the garden :) Please, acknowledge the sharpness of the picure!
A ja som si moj uzil v zahrade na trave :) Hrozne sa mi paci aka je ta druha foto ostra :D

Thanks for reading!

Dik za precitanie!

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. GetOldTweets-python: Open-source "module" bypassing limitations of Twitter API
  2. My father FORGOT on HIS OWN SON!! + surprisingly difficult gymnastic rings exercise
  3. I remember the phone number of my EX and I'm PROUD of it! ** digital dementia **
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  5. Traveling alone and traveling with companion - alone in Pakistan vs with friends in Nepal
  6. [Podcast bits #5] Advantages of using Brave browser (not just surfing without ads!)


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