More baby photos and a more details birth announcement!

Yesterday I stopped in fast to show off our new bundle of joy, but today I'll fill in the gaps in the story and show off a few more photos.


Here's the instant after birth, not even totally pink yet photo!

My wife did a spectacular job of keeping the gender a secret. For those not following, she knew the gender from the 20 week ultrasound but I didn't want to know. So we had to go through the process of picking names and decorating and everything else without her slipping up. There was a point early on when she slipped a he, but it was so fleeting and when I asked her she was so tight lipped I wasn't sure. For about a week I did start to suspect it was a boy, but then shortly after she slipped a she and made some other fleeting comments, that made me doubt the first slip. Now that we finally got to talk about it, turns out after the first slip, she started waging a huge physiological warfare campaign to make me suspect it may have been a girl. In the end I was so confused I didn't know what to believe.

The labour went well, we had another water birth at home. It's always an interesting process to go through. To watch everything she is going through and be supportive and try to help, but not to try to help too much that your annoying and just piss her off. In the end it went well, there were moments of exhaustion when she didn't think she could go on, but in the end got through it like a champ!


Here's the champ looking exhausted right after the fact

He was another big child, weighing in at 8lbs and 15oz. Our other two were 9lbs 5oz and 9lbs 2oz respectively.

We named him Edgar after my grandfather, but we will call him Eddy. So in the end we didn't end up going with a gender neutral name like our other two, or any of the ones everyone suggested in the past, but thanks again.


Here's our daughter holding him

She's been so curious and interested in everything and loves holding him, rubbing his head and generally being near him whenever she can. Unfortunately our Son doesn't have that same level of excitement, but he does have his moments when he talks lovingly of his new brother, although he still insists we use the name he choose "Diapers", So at times poor little Eddy, get called Diapers, lets hope that nickname doesn't

So far he's been a fairly easy going, he's had some fussy moments at times, but generally settles pretty good in the end, we'll see what the coming days bring as our first Son was quite colicky. Luckily I already have my secret weapon primed!

The baby wrap


My wife is actually wrap obsessed, she has all kinds of Tula's and Ergo's and whatever else's. Maybe one day I'll have to do some sort of baby-wearing review blog. My favorite has always been this simple Mama-Roo. There's no little clips to fuss with. Just one long stretchy piece of fabric to wrap into a little harness and he holds in tight to you body. Our other Son loved this thing and we would spend hours a day, wandering around the yard, hiking, gardening and whatever with him wrapped in the carrier. Unfortunately our daughter was never a fan of this carrier so I didn't get many chances to carry her around so I'll definitely be making the most of these chances and the baby Diapers already got to spend an hour today wrapped with Daddy, while I cooked supper for everyone!

It's been a great first day and looking forward to spending the next few months home with family!

Footer by @bearone

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