Standing for peace Against CPS part 3

Please forgive me for taking so long to post the rest of these blogs. We are getting ready for spring, and a few things came up that needed immediate care!!

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What I would like to address in this blog is the documentation that was sent the day that I stood for peace.
It has now been 70 days (wooohooo!!!) with no contact from CPS. I am feeling less stressed with every day. My daughter still has anxiety with the snowmobiles and we do a fair number of perimeter checks to put her mind at ease. (She actually asks to go for the walk) We both find comfort with the gate across the access point to our home.

Please take a moment to read my previous blogs. If you have already, I once again thank you from the bottom of my heart. I would also like people to know that I am more than open to questions, and discussions about anything that is posted.



I agree that the actual letter should not be posted in its entirety, because there is so much information that needs to be understood, and walking your talk is paramount. I am so blessed and grateful that @wwf sees my heart and knows that I am ready to do what it takes to walk in peace. I am that Momma Bear that has drawn the line in the sand. I am willing to do what it takes to protect my cubs, to be at peace on the land that we steward. To allow her to learn and be the beautiful feral and spiritual being that many of us wish to be!! I think that it is important to know that this has been the most terrifying thing I have ever done, and the most rewarding at the same time. I am grateful for the mentoring, support and love of the many people that have supported us both.

I have done so much research, read many blogs, and sat with this decision intuitively. It resonated. That leap of faith was all that was left. What a jump. Releasing the white knuckle death grip of fear. WHEW!

Back to the document, the proof of claims. There is no need for me to get deep into it here, @wwf has explained it perfectly.

The link to that letter content is:


I really would like to talk about the support letters. I called a few, very close, amazing friends and family and asked for a letter of support. I asked for a letter from the heart, that would support my daughter and I. It truly takes a healthy community to raise a child.

I openly wept with each paragraph that I read. I am so grateful and truly blessed. I still have no words to truly express my heart. Language just doesn't cut it sometimes.

I am posting my daughters document. I truly feel it was the letter that made the difference.

I really want to talk about this. OUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS NEED/HAVE A VOICE. We have been so conditioned that children should be seen and not heard. They should be herded into classrooms as early as 3 years old, to start their formal school career. They are broken as quickly as possible. little soldiers are created.

I asked my daughter if she had anything to say. To be honest, I thought fear would move her to say NO. To my surprise, she said YES!! I talked with @wwf and he helped us to find a way that she could do it in her own writing.
She took my phone, to a sacred space, without me. she asked for privacy! lol
She recorded what she had to say, and asked me to listen to it when she was outside. So wise beyond her years to give me the space to process her wise words. Tears.
I then wrote out what she recorded and then she put the letter together in her own handwriting. Being the perfectionist that she is, after hours, we went through a mountain of paper. Finally she said, "This is just lines and scratches on a piece of paper, but the message is from my heart." What do you say to that??Honestly?

She has given me permission to share it with you.

We also took a moment to talk about letters, proper structures, salutations, the body, the signature. Can't pass up a teaching opportunity! She didn't put the date, her reasoning was "The date doesn't matter, because they know when they came" LOL

It is in my heart that these blogs bring HOPE. It is so needed. It is time to gather resources. Gather in the spirit of peace. Gather is the spirit of Love. Support each other from a higher self consciousness.
The abuse, violence, coercion, evil, and disrespect against our babies NEEDS TO STOP. It can no longer be tolerated in any way shape or form. It can not exist where there is love. It needs to stop for all beings.

Our children, their children, the next seven generations need us to stand and give our sons and daughters a voice. It starts with me.


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