Social Worker and Police Officer Coming Back Today

Well today is the day they come back.

The social worker said she can't determine whether or not the children are safe in just one visit. I'd like to know what her definition of safe is. Clean, fed, unabused, educated, and happy seems pretty safe to me. I've been pretty vague on Facebook about what's going on, and shared these two quotes: mom quote.jpg and The-only-way-to-deal.jpg
I just hope this gets my mom thinking is all....

My stepdad messaged this to me:
"Hi Sharee, I don't know what's goin' on here between you two, but there is no one who adores & loves you the kids more than your mom..... She's heart broken....I'm worried about her....Later......"

Of course he knows what's going on, and now I'm supposed to feel bad? Not really sure how to take this... I haven't responded back.

I've been taking pictures of as we go, and will be more active with the camera in the coming days. This is a following directions worksheet they did:

Following directions worksheet.jpg

This is a drawing Chloe made and she's only 6! I think we have an artist on our hands!!

Chloe's alice angel drawing.jpg

Some worksheets from Friday and Monday:

Worksheets image.jpg

Our brainquest workbooks: a supplement to our regular curriculum:

Supplemental workbooks.jpg

usually when we play outside with sidewalk chalk, it's me taking requests:

eagle request.jpg
kangaroo request.jpg

Priscilla helping me make supper last night. We had baked penne:
Prissy helping with supper.jpg

Anyway, I will update you all after they leave. Take care everyone! If you want to catch up on what's happening with us, here are my posts in consecutive order:
It's happeneing
Still together
My actions concerning CPS

Thanks for reading!

Love, snowpea ❤

Family Protection.png

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