Hundred's, if not thousands of babies are legally kidnapped from their mothers each year in the UK. The real number is not known, because if these mothers/parents speak out there are breaking the law and will be jailed for contempt of court in a secret process and as a result will hugely increase the risk of never seeing their babies again.

I reported one women's plight on here already, and whilst hearing about her case, it led me onto others. All of these cases are devastating. But something that upset me even further is the amount of women who are targeted and harassed by Social Services whilst pregnant. Women who have suffered with their mental health in the past or were in Care themselves in the past are being contacted by Social Services to say that they are deemed capable of emotional abuse to their unborn baby.


One case involves a young mother Fran Lyon aged 21 who was told that her baby would be taken away from her on the grounds that: "Hexham children's services, part of Northumberland County Council, said the decision had been made because Miss Lyon was likely to suffer from Munchausen's Syndrome by proxy, a condition unproven by science in which a mother will make up an illness in her child, or harm it, to draw attention to herself".
Fran had in the past, as a teenager suffered with mental health problems. The decision to remove the baby was taken after a paediatrician Miss Lyon had never met made a report about her.

Fran left The U.K to have her baby and she is not alone, many more are fleeing the U.K to go to France, just so they can keep their babies from being stolen by Social Services. A BBC documentary aired in 2016 called:

Fleeing Social Services

meets with another women named Bethany who received a letter from Social services at six months pregnant, telling her that her unborn baby would be taken from her following the birth. One of the reasons was that she was picked up whilst drunk. Bethany stopped drinking when she found out she was pregnant. She is someone who has been failed by the system, who was in care herself but never received any support and as a result is seen as an easy target. She left the U.K to go to France to a mother living there that is taking mothers and families in that are being targeted by Social Services. Below is the documentary.

Carla Maria Smith's first child Daisy was taken from her and forcibly adopted. Carla had been in the care system herself when she was younger and as a result has suffered with her mental health. Social Services deemed her unfit to look after her own daughter. So Daisy was taken in 2012. Carla got pregnant again a few years later, two weeks before her baby was due Social Services came to her house with a letter stating that they would be taking her baby after the birth. 4 days later she fled England with her partner and took a ferry to Ireland so that she could have her son and keep him.

I have spoken on here about Birth and how the many interventions prior to birth can have a huge affect on the mother and unborn baby. But the amount of stress that these mothers are put under, when they are told that their babies will be taken from them once they are born is inconceivable. These mothers needed support, two of them were victims of the system that continues to terrorise them. This is the sickening reality in the U.K.

Forced Caesarean Section

In 2013 an Italian women who was pregnant travelled to the U.K to undergo a training course, she suffered with her mental health at times and at one point she had a panic attack, she put this down to reducing her medication as she did not wish to be on it whilst pregnant. Because of this the police became involved and she was admitted to a psychiatric hospital. It was during her stay there that Social Services got a court order allowing Doctors to perform a C Section on her without her consent.

They made me have a caesarean without telling me anything. The day of the birth I thought that they were just moving me from one room to another, while I was saying I wanted to go back to Italy. Then I was sedated. And when I woke up she was not with me any longer. They took her from me.

She claimed that two members of the baby's extended family had been :

willing to take the little one into foster care.

"But the [British] social services ignored them," she was quoted as saying.

Why? Why did no one help me?

She added:

I did not give my consent, neither orally nor in writing, to the adoption of my daughter.

The Fact is most adopters want babies, the market is huge. For me even having to put the words baby and market in the one sentence is wrong, but that is the reality. We already know that local authorities in the U.K are given rewards by the government for reaching adoption targets. The amount of injustice being done in the name of protection is huge. All of these babies need to be protected from Social Services, so many were taken from mothers who desperately wanted to keep them but they stood no chance of wining against social services..


One Social worker who did speak out ,Carol Woods was threatened because she chose to challenge Lancaster local authority, she reported how many files where being altered always in favour of the local authorities. And also evidence was removed which brought to light the suffering that families where put through by the Local Authorities.

"End December 2010 and a former friend of many years was sent to me with a message:

if I “forgot” all about my house and my whistle-blowing then “they” MIGHT leave me alone. Otherwise I would continue to see “signs” they would use to harass, intimidate and threaten me with. I sent back GEOFFREY MARSLAND former city Councillor MORECAMBE BAY INDEPENDENTS with a message that there was nothing wrong with my memory; I would forget nothing.

She ended up being placed in an secure Mental Health hospital, below is a interview where she talks about her life once she decided to speak out about Social Services

The video link: Child Stealing By The State: A Social Worker Speaks


In my eyes social services are modern day terrorists, terrorising families, destroying homes, kidnapping babies and children. This is why it is so important we all get behind and support #familyprotection

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