Part 3 - Escape (original fiction for steemit)

This is original #fantasy #fiction for steemit - Part two is here and Follow/Subscribe here.

Part 3

Returning their blades to their sheaths Sam again prompted Ben to move "Get up, now" she snapped, grasping him under his arm she helped the pale shocked boy to his feet. He stood a good foot taller than the girl that aided him, he realised as she dragged him forward to encourage him to move again.

Sam had always been strong and determined, she trained as hard as any of the boys in the Kingdom of the East. Her skill alone had saved both of them from the violent attack only moments before. Ben knew he had no chance of repelling the last attack, as he lay there unable to move he was certain he was going to die. Instead he watched a man die right in front of him, watched the life vanish as though it had never existed.

Sam kept a tight hold of Ben's arm as she chose their course through the thick dark forest, winding their way through the trees and dense brush and attempting to gain as much distance from their attackers as possible. Progress was slow and treacherous, visibility was getting worse the further they withdrew from the village.

The moon's light was only able to penetrate thinner areas of the forest's canopy, the sparse beams becoming rarer the further the two young villagers traveled. Stumbling over a branch Ben fell forward into Sam knocking her off balance, causing the pair to fall down a small incline battering the already bruised pair further.

Sam lay still a moment then forced her tired aching body back to its feet, "We can't stop.. not yet we need to get as much distance between us and them before sunrise." Ben groaned in acknowledgement and forced himself to rise as well.

"Where are we going?" He questioned realising he no longer knew where he was. "South" is all Sam offered in response and started off. Ben followed behind and pushed further "Shouldn't we double back? We can't keep going this way - this is their land!"

Sam stopped abruptly turning to Ben "Don't you see we're cut off, the village is gone, the Kingsmen will fight them back, but we can't get around them were stuck on the wrong side and they will be coming.. soon" She finished and was off again, Ben blinked away his shock and moved quickly to follow her.

Continuing south east away from the kingdom, the pair trudged on through the unforgiving terrain. Branches constantly tearing at their clothes and skin, tears and cuts adding new aches to already damaged and exhausted bodies.

The quiet of night had again taken its hold, the sounds of the battle that were raging so loud and close now disappeared into faint echos in the distance behind them. The sounds of nature had taken over now, small animals could be heard scurrying to get out of the path of the pair of travellers. Birds starting to stir in the early hours of the morning getting ready to start their day.

The first glow of the sun's brilliant light started to seep through the canopy of trees above, the sounds of a small stream could be heard nearby. Using the sounds and the new addition of light, Sam and Ben made their way through the forest toward the welcome sound.

Parched from their perilous journey the two were spurred on towards the first sounds of hope they had encountered all night. Finally the two saw the stream ahead of them forgetting their pain and exhaustion they ran forward throwing themselves down to the bank of the small stream and lapping up it's cool refreshing liquid.

Sam savoured the moment feeling the cool fluid sooth her dry and damaged throat, cupping the water in her hands she made a decent effort to remove some of the blood, ash and dirt that marked her tanned face and arms. Ben looked up at her seeing the reminders of the horrors they faced wash away with each rinse. He too tried to clean the blood from his face and tend the cuts that covered his arms and legs.

Looking around the clearing Sam realised the sun was coming up and fast, "We will have to find somewhere to hide out the day." Ben stood and glanced at his surroundings "What if we go over that ridge there?" he pointed to the east.

Jumping the small stream the pair inspected the ridge closer, "If we stay here we need to get extra branches to help provide us with cover." suggested Sam. "At least were protected from the side they should approach us on." she surmised absent mindedly.

Gathering larger branches the two worked fast in the rapidly growing daylight, "Drink as much water as you can now we don't know if we'll get another chance" Sam urged, as the two went back to the nearby stream for a final drink before day set in. Walking back to their temporary shelter Sam pointed out "We need to keep watch.' when she suddenly collapsed just meters from the crude shelter.

To be continued..

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