What Do You Want From Me? Feedback Time.


I think that its been almost three months since I signed up for access to steemit.com.

Its been time of growth and I've sought to learn from my mistakes.

Over the weeks and the months I have gone through a number of phases...

...a few of these phases are still ongoing. Such as:

  • Why have I joined steemit?
  • What do I want to post about?
  • Do I wish to aim at quality or quantity?
  • Do I want to greatly invest time in comments?
  • How much curation do I want to get involved in?


Like many, I joined Steemit for the prospect of gaining some kind of an income from my writings. However, as they say, one comes for the money and stays for the community. I wouldn't say that the old motive is no longer important - its just not the only motivator.

With that being said, I understand that one "mistake" that I am potentially making, is being myself and having a rather varied list of subjects that I post about.

A few have been introductory. A few have been steemit suggestions. A few have been creative. A few have been game design related. A fair number have been "conspiracy" or "pathforger" related.

If I were to underline an overriding reason as to why persons might wish to follow me then it would be because I post about serious things, often with a doze of humor thrown into the mix. Its the sugar that helps the medicine go down.


Upon another level I also write relatively well-constructed posts, with a good number of illustrating images thrown in (again, to make the read more pleasant), either with link to source or which are created/ captured by myself.

And, upon another level, I tend to upvote meaningul responses - especially if they have been kind enough to resteem. Since I don't self-up-vote as a matter of principle, thats at least one more vote for commentators. Speaking of resteeming - I make a point of resteeming good content - but not so often as to drown my posts (so you won't be browsing through pages of resteems when browsing).

While I have made conscious and subconscious decisions along the way, it is time for you, the reader, to weigh in upon this - especially if you are a follower and will thus benefit long term from adjustments that you propose.

Is there something that you would like to see more of?

Is there something that you would like to see less of?


If you found this post interesting or would like to get me more feedback and would like to share this with your friends then a resteem couldn't hurt.

If you have some feedback for me then feel free to share your views in comments. A civil conversation can go a long way.


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