Regaining Independence Through Paragovernance


A fair many of you out there have reached an uncomfortable crossroad.

You realize that something is very wrong with our World however you are far less certain of what to do about it.

A few strategies I've seen by fellow steemit users may offer clues.

Individuals like @wolvoman80, @jimbobbill, @sensistar and even @dana-edwards will, in their own different ways and for their own reasons, opt to spread information that strikes them as off. They render a service to us all in doing so - especially when they go out of their ways to vet the information that comes to their attention - and (I'm looking at you wolvo!) release their own rather unique video materials on the basis of such.


Other individuals (far fewer) go the way of @prepper - and not only make preparing for the eventuality (or imminence) of a livelihood-compromising disaster a way of life - but also get entrepreneurial about it and help others to also prepare.

There are various other ways that people contribute.

Some try to make things better from within the system.

Others try to make themselves heard upon the streets.

Others may even be preparing for the fight of their lives.


And no - I wouldn't say that all these methods are equal in my eyes - but then again, my perspective is but one. And that leads me to ask the questions-serving-furtherance-of-this-topic. Where do 'I' fit in? What am I doing?


...I have been thinking.

I've been doing so, on-and-off for two decades.

I have allowed myself to get distracted by the ills of the World - and I have done some of the things mentioned above (taking my issues to the streets, and even stood for the 2008 general election as an independent here (with a budget of about 200 Euros, no history, and a grand total of 5 minutes obligatory air-time allotment. It went as one might expect... ^_~).


These distractions do more to hinder than to assist me in pursuing a purpose. The more emotional I allow myself to become, the less able I am to deliver.

And, even though it may not seem so to the casual observer, what I deliver is solutions - actual or potential. This shall grow more evident with time as I open up incrementally.

Well, today's solution may be summed up in a word.


How does one take back one's freedom without resorting to base violence?

This is the question that I asked before drawing paragovernance as an answer.

This because I believe it is every person's responsibility to retain the higher ground...

...and refrain from the violence and bloodshed characteristic though-out history... live consistently to one's ideals even in adversity - to make no exceptions...

...not even for those whom one might otherwise regard with contempt...

...for as long as one is afforded the choice of an alternative.

I believe that we can do and be better than that.


No, I'm not comparing myself to Gandhi* - but he is pretty well-known for nonviolence.

(*Except maybe that we both have/had less hair than brains.)

What is Paragovernance?

Think of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs).

Now think of NGOs that exist parallel to rather than under the thumb and in the service of government.

This is precisely what paragovernance is about.

It is about setting up an operation traditionally covered by government - and taking over that function.


Paragovernance can also exist upon the individual or localized level.

Residents of a street can band together to organize maintenance and uplift for their shabby street...

...repaving the sidewalk, filling cracks in the tarmac, giving a new layer of paint to peeling lamp-posts, etc.


On the one hand this makes the government's job easier...

On the other hand it also takes a job away from the government - along with a reason to extort taxes.

That is but a small example.

Now imagine the same occurring upon a grander scale.

  • Paragovernment Clinics
  • Paragovernment Education
  • Paragovernment Social Services
  • Paragovernment Utilities
  • Paragovernment Security


  • Paragovernment Administration


In truth the original term that I attributed to this last category was 'Parallel Parliament'...

...but I have since needed to step back from that notion.

I wish not to see one vertical structure compatible with power-consolidation replaced by another.

I would like to see the strings that lead from government to individual to be slackened or severed.


How will Paragovernment Functions be Funded?

This depends on how the respective organizations shall operate.

The first priority is to determine how they shall operate differently...

...and how such an organization can be smart about it.

There is plenty of ground to be covered...

...and starting afresh has its challenges...

...and the old government structure will resist...

...but if these are major issues then...

...the real question becomes...


A Delicate Process.

This would need to be an 'all hands on deck' exercise.

No stone should be left unturned, nor anything be left to chance.

It shall require the kinds of state-building skills not seen in a long time.

A new kind of state that is never too far elevated from the common person...

...such that s/he should feel the need to be represented indirectly via intermediary.



Does one take a leap of faith or does one stick with the left and right hands of the bad shepherd?



A good first step to breaking free is to join me in thought.

A new path is revealed.

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