Farmpunk Winner & Exquisite Corpse Relay

Now that Hard Fork 20 is behind us, it's time to move this game forward. I'll be testing my voting and commenting strategies over the course of the next week to see how the new system affects these habits and to see what kind of changes I need to make. Meanwhile, it's time to announce the winner of the Farmpunk #3 fiction contest.

However, before I do that, I want to make mention of the exquisite corpse writing exercise and remind you of where we are in that process.

The first part of the story, titled "A Perfect Day for a Murder," written by yours truly, is here. @calluna wrote the second leg, which can be read right here. Next in line is @franexito, who has five more days to post the next part of the narrative. In the unlikely event that doesn't happen, the flow will move on to the next in line, @blueteddy. Others in the line up include:


Now, for the winner of the farmpunk contest.

As fate would have it, we only have one entry. I suspect that Hardfork 20 may have had a little to do with that as the deadline fell on Saturday, less than a week after the rollout of the hard fork, which jacked with everyone's voting power and posting abilities, mine included. I reserve the right to not choose a winner with three entries or less, but I really like the story that was submitted and the effort put into it, so I'm announcing the winner of the third farmpunk contest to be @ediblecthulhu.

If you'll forgive the sidebar, you can tell a lot by a name. @ediblecthulhu appears to be an homage to weird lit forerunner H.P. Lovecraft. The header of this Steemian shows its self-identification by a single letter--J. The tagline: "I'm a weird guy who likes to create weird stuff."

With that kind of introduction, I'm not surprised at the entry that was proffered nor am I surprised at its quality. I'm really glad this Steemian has taken an interest in farmpunk, and I hope you will welcome him and his story, "Devilsong."

Image, an amalgam of Pixabay images, taken from the original contest entry post

Congratulations @ediblechthulhu. The prize is a Steem Monsters booster pack, but if you'd prefer, I'll sponsor you with 1 Steem Basic Income share. Let me know below which you prefer.

If you haven't already, join us in the Speculative Fiction Writers of Steemit Discord group.


Get your weird lit on:

The Biblical Legends Anthology Series

Garden of EdenSulfuringsDeluge
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