Reborn: Chapter Fifty Four "Trapped"

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

Series Summary

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Chapter Fifty Four

Jenna entered the kitchen scowling. Her sister had a real problem with being attracted to assholes. Nate had turned out to be one just like every other guy she'd ever really liked, and now she was interested in a vampire with a tortured soul. If she was going to pick one of the immortals to mack on, couldn't it be Coderin? He was sweet and still seemed young. Nope, had to go right for the messed up one.

"You know, if you frown like that too often you'll get those disgusting lines in your forehead," Matthias was leaning against the doorjamb, arms folded across his chest.

"Oh, you." Jenna turned her back on him and opened the fridge pulling out a can of soda.

"You know that shit will go straight to your ass and thighs, and you definitely don't need it."

Jenna choked on the soda. "Excuse me did you just call me fat?"

"No, just trying to help you avoid it."

"I know a way you can help me, by removing yourself from my presence. Asshole." She turned her back on him again.

"I think you like my presence."

"You are delusional."

"I saw the way you looked at me when I put you on the ground."

She whirled on him, "Which look, the one where my face was wracked with pain from the wrist you broke, or when it was draining of color while you choked me to death?"

"Nope, you didn't even feel the pain for a split second you were so enamored with the male hovering over you."

Jenna laughed exaggeratedly, "Oh my God, you are insane, seriously, even if you hadn't hurt me and failed to show remorse, you are not my type."

Matthias raked his gaze over her slowly, and to her immense displeasure she could feel a blush climbing up her neck.

He smiled lazily, "No, I don't affect you at all, it just got hot in here I suppose."

"You're ogling me, it embarrasses me when anyone does that, idiot."

"You must be embarrassed often."

Jenna narrowed her eyes, "Was that a compliment?"

"You have tits that most guys want to bury their face in and an ass they want to squeeze and bite and slap. It's just a fact."

"Okay, you know what? You're a dick. A sleazy, inconsiderate shithead, and I'm done talking to you." She looked around and realized he was blocking the only exit. Damn it.

He was still looking her over with that smile.

"I would like to leave the kitchen now." she said between clenched teeth.

"What's stopping you?"

"You're in my WAY!"

"I'm afraid I'm comfortable and I don't feel like moving. But I might consider it if you paid a toll."

"A toll, uh huh, right, ANNA!!" She cried.

Anna showed up behind Matthias.

"Hey, is Jenna in there?"

He turned and looked at her over his shoulder. "Yup."

"Uh, she just yelled for me."


"So can I go in?"

"NO!" Jenna cried, "I want out, and he's blocking me."

Anna furrowed her brows. "And why are you trapping my friend in the kitchen exactly?"

"No reason. I just feel like standing here."

"Um, can't you just move for a second?"

"Sure, as soon as she pays the toll."

"Which is?"

"Standard. A kiss."

"Hell NO!" Jenna said angrily, "I would not kiss you to save your life you ASSHOLE, let me out!"

"Matthias?" Anna pleaded.

"Sorry Banana, but this is between me and her."

"So you're saying I have to go get Michael?"

Matthias pinned her with a look that made her shrink backwards. "If you do that, you and I will no longer be friends."

"But...she's my friend and...

His tone lightened. "I'm not going to hurt her, I just want a kiss, you know the whole kiss and makeup concept? I mean we did have a rough start, what with me causing her pain and bungling the apology."

Anna stared at him. Jenna was ranting in the kitchen saying he still hadn't apologized that he'd just insulted her, but Anna decided that no matter what was going on here he wouldn’t hurt her, not again anyway. After another moment of consideration she nodded and left.

Matthias turned back to Jenna with a self-satisfied smirk.

"She did NOT just leave me here."

"I'm pretty sure she's not worried about your safety."

Jenna snorted. Infuriating male, horrible terrible.....He's taking off his shirt. Why is he....Oh my God, he has the most beautiful chest I have ever seen, I just want to run my hands over the tattoos, what are they anyway, heiroglyphics? She couldn't stop staring.

"Like what you see huh?"

The smug tone in his voice snapped her out of it. She marched up to him, stood on her tiptoes and kissed him hard enough to hurt. "There, I kissed you, now let me by," she hissed.

He grabbed her chin and brought his mouth to hers, pressing a hand to her back. At first she resisted, keeping her lips pinched together, but then he started tracing a finger down her neck and she shivered and relaxed, letting him fully take her mouth...and then a tickly feeling started in her lower stomach and she panicked. She brought a knee up hard into his groin, managing to startle him into stepping backwards, giving her just enough room to push by him and run for the stairs.

"Low fucking blow!" He yelled behind her.

She knew that even if he had felt pain it was brief being a vampire and all, and then wondered why she would care. She burst into the room where the girls were sitting and pointed a finger at Anna in accusation.

"I'm sorry Jenna, really I am, but I couldn't overpower him and you should have seen how he looked at me when I threatened to rat on him, and I have to live here, I don't need any enemies.....

Jenna held up her hand. "Okay. I forgive you. But him, him I don't forgive, in fact I hate his freakin’ guts."

"Did you kiss him?" Jess asked with a big smile.

Anna cringed and Jenna glared at her. "Thanks for filling my sister in. He kissed me, and it was gross, and I don't want to talk about it ever again, got it?" She stomped over to her suitcase and pulled out some jammies then stomped across the hall to the bathroom slamming the door shut.

"Do you really think it was gross?" Jess asked Anna, looking at the bathroom door.

Anna shook her head smiling a little. Jenna had been deeply flushed, something she had never seen on her face before. Usually that chic would just shoot her middle finger at guys who made perverted remarks or checked her out too openly.

"I think she likes him or she wouldn't be so pissed," Jess stated.

"Shh,” Anna admonished, “if she hears you say that, she'll blow a cork."

Jess nodded, grinning.

Anna flopped back on the bed. It was hard for her to dwell on Jenna's feelings when she was feeling all kinds of nervous about her plan. If Harriet hadn't had one of her “feelings” about it, she probably would have chickened out. She sat up and hopped off the bed.

"I'm tired, I'm going to hit the hay," she told Jess and bent down to kiss her on the cheek.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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