There's Always A Next Time - Part 5

Here are the links for the previous parts of the story in case you missed them:
-Part 1
-Part 2
-Part 3
-Part 4

On their way home, Samir's mom was making fun of him. She told him that she and Mrs. Sonya, Lynda's mom, made a deal to marry their only children one day. She suggested that he gets close to Lynda during this period. He might not see it now because they are both very young, but he will see how perfect this match is “ten years from now” she said.

His father interrupted her and saved him from that awkward conversation saying that it doesn't make sense and he shouldn't take advantage of the hard time his uncle's family is going through. However, he should get closer to his cousin because she's obviously not strong enough to deal with everything that's going on in her life.

He said. "I want you to talk to her from time to time and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid out of insecurity or negative thoughts. Actually I think you should invite her for dinner in our home tomorrow and pick her up from school. Try to have a friendly conversation with her while you walk here. Make her feel that she has a family that will never stop supporting her."
“Mrs. sonya was right.”Said his mom “I think everyone will try to avoid interacting with her family, even her daughter's friends. So we should be as supportive as possible now as the only family they have in the city."

Samir already had a plan for tomorrow's afternoon but "family comes first" that was a decision he made long time ago and he will stick to it no matter what the circumstances are. "I will figure out another solution for the missing 150 Dinars after tomorrow" He though.

The next morning was the worst in Lynda’s life. Everyone was staring at her. None of them dared to talk to her or to even smile to her. She felt isolated and lost inside this place that suddenly became unfamiliar to her. The only person to said hello to her was Ahmed when he entered the class, after ten very long minutes she had to survive alone amongst those strangers. Even her closest friends acted and looked like they never knew her. She spent the whole break hidden in an empty classroom and crying and she spent the rest of the classes imagining the worst scenarios that can happen to her father and to her life.

When Ahmed was running out of school to go find Samir and try to convince him with the solution he just came up with, he was surprised to find him in front of the school. And he was even more surprised to know that he's not waiting for him. He was waiting for Lynda. Ahmed knew that he only has few minutes alone with Samir before Lynda comes out, so he needs to convince him very fast.

-I have an Idea that will make us 200 Dinars in one day. He said.
-First, we need 300 Dinars so that my share would be 200. Second, I can't go with you today.
-We don't need to do anything today anyway. We'll do it next sunday.
-That would be too late. I need to pay them tomorrow.
-I know, That's why I want to loan you 150 Dinar. Then I will have 200 Dinars left. With that money I can make the reservation for a bus that will take us for a trip. If this trip idea works fine, and I'm sure it will, we can start doing it once or twice a month and we can get rich.
Then he saw Lynda coming so he finished " Think about it. It's the best way to make this much money and to have fun in the same time"
Lynda wanted to hide her pain and to spear them her life drama so she decided to get involved in that conversation that she found interesting: "Oh what is this genius idea that makes you money and fun in the same time?" She said.
-We will organise a trip to the "Falls of Djebba" and the archaeological site of "Dougga". But your cousin here is not convinced yet. Said Ahmed.
-I'm in if Lynda is coming with us. Replied Samir.
-Oh I'd love to go there I heard so much amazing things about those places. She said.
-But you will not go as a normal guest, you will be organising it with us. Said Samir.

While they were walking together to Samir's house, Lynda was totally silent. She was so excited about being involved in such an amazing experiance and especialy with this amazing company. She was enjoying their funny conversation and thinking about how easily her worst day ever could become one of the best days of her life. She was experiencing a deja-vu for the first time in a very long while which made the moment even more magical. Maybe those two new best friends didn’t just change her mood, maybe her whole life was about to change because of that walk.

Since I'm still writing it, I'll be open to any suggestions or requests from the readers to make it a fun experience for everybody. Of course I have my own ideas about the big events so I'll be the one who decides how the story goes but I'll do my best not to be too dictator :D

Part 6 will be out next Saturday.

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