Visiting the Water Park With @creatr and Getting In A Little Trouble: A Steemit Diner Story

The heat had been horrible in Steemit City with temperatures in the 90s and low 100s for weeks. After working hard cooking delicious foods in the Steemit Diner all week @marxrab, aka Marx the rabbit, was dying to cool off. @creatr came into the Steemit Diner just as Marx was ready to finish her shift.

"Hey rabbit! Did you know that July 28th is National Waterpark Day" creatr asked Marx.

The rabbit had never heard of such a holiday but it peaked her attention. @creatr owned a waterpark near the ocean side of Steemit City. Loving the water and surfing, @creatr was famous in Steemit City for his love of the water.

@creatr is often found surfing Read about one of creatr's surfing adventures here

creatr invited Marx to join him at his water park and she was excited to play in the water and finally cool off

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Now poor creatr didn't realize how wild and mischievous a bunny can get in a water park. After 10 minutes creatr lost track of the rabbit as she ran around and tried out the different water rides. Searching the park high and low he occasionally met up with staff members letting him know a crazy bunny was running around the water park.

Marx enjoyed the attention of hunky lifeguards.

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She enjoyed bouncing on piles of pool floats.

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Marx stood on top of the water ride tubes and raced the people down to the bottom.

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Finally catching up to Marx at the cabana pool they had lunch together. Sharing some fondue, some fruit, and a few cocktails they enjoyed relaxing under a big umbrella. @creatr rolled his eyes and stared at Marx when he saw the "Wet Floor" sign in the middle of the pool. The rabbit looked at him with mischievous eyes and a big smile. "Don't look at me?" she said innocently.

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While enjoying a nice lunch the two talked about life and the world. @creatr loves talking about the bigger things in life like the universe. He is very knowledgable about topics about the universe. Click here to read some of his work discussing astronomy. He also has a comedic side and enjoys sharing funny stories like this one Click here for a funny retirement joke

After a fun filled day Marx was finally tired and thanked her friend @creatr for all the fun and wished him a good night. Heading back to the Steemit Diner the bunny was cooled off and ready for a good nights sleep.


Haven't met @creatr ? Check out his work! He is a great writer and shares some really wonderful posts.

Never Heard of the Steemit Diner? Check Out Our Origins Here

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