LOVE LIKE HIS - Chapter 10 - Wrestling - An Original Story by @papa-pepper


Gary and Ray are standing alone in the church parking lot. The lights on the ancient building have all been turned off, but a nearby streetlight is providing enough visibility that they have not noticed how dark their surroundings have become.

If Cromwell wasn’t in the process of passing out on the other side of the sleepy city, he’d be all over this.

The two are standing close to each other, not an awkward or creepy kind of close, but close enough that suspicion could arise. Their discussion is passionate and quick, and Ray is having a wrestling match within himself.

“It’s just so hard to believe… You must have known,” Ray spews out and looks back up into Gary’s shadowy face.

“Of, course, but these topics were planned out months ago. It’s just how the Lord works.”

“Yeah, but still, to have such an in depth and comprehensive study on forgiveness the first time after I get out, it gives me chills.”

“I certainly felt something in their too,” Gary replies and grabs Ray by the back of the neck in a playful manner, shaking him gently.

After everything that they had just heard at the study, Ray is giddy and excited. Some things are making a little more sense to him now, but, he’s still got a few things to figure out, hence, the one man wrestling match.

“What should I do about Ms. Shields?” he asks Gary.

“Well, Ray, options are limited, aren’t they?”

Ray knows what he must do, it’s just that he doesn’t want to. He knows that any contact he has with any law enforcement officer must be reported to probation. But he didn’t even do anything. Why does this have to be so hard? Somehow, he thought that he could just reenter society and start anew. Yet, it seems like things will not be quite so easy. He knows that if he doesn’t tell Ms. Shields that he could face some consequences if she finds out, but what are the odds of that? Of course it is unlikely…

It’s not like she would send him back in either, is it? Plus, what would she think if she found out that not everyone in the justice system believed that it was an accident? He tries to recall how she responded during their last visit, but can’t. All he remembers is how relieved he was, and can’t even conjure up a memory about how she had reacted.

How could Ray not have noticed?

“Are you ready?” Gary asks.

“To do what?” Ray, caught off guard and a little startled, answers the question with a question. He is still wrestling with options inside his mind.

“For me to take you home. I think today has been enough of an adventure.”

“Yeah. Thanks, Gary.”

The End of Chapter 10


Thank you, and stay tuned for LOVE LIKE HIS : Chapter 11 - Coming soon to a steemit near you

Awesome Handcrafted @papa-pepper logo kindly donated by @vlad - Thank you!

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