Chance Way - Part 3

Part 1 Part 2

Previously, on Chance Way:

A window pops up on the main screen. “Okay, I’ve got you on the next ride to the Abyss. You need to be seen boarding it. When you reach the last stop, go to the on-board lavatory.”


“We’ll find them.” The redhead could already taste her mistake.

The unhinged tone in the intruder’s calm reply is sufficiently unnerving without the matching lunacy in her eyes, or the gentle caressing of the unfortunate redhead’s cheek. “I know they will.”

The other two leave without hesitation, closing the door behind them.

“But you, sweet Yi… It pleases me that you would so enthusiastically volunteer to receive the punishment I didn’t get to give to Eagna.”


Chance Way title art by PegasusPhysics.
Art by @PegasusPhysics, Base icons from

Eagna presses her hand against a deep throbbing in the side of her skull, grateful for the check-in kiosk’s subdued colour scheme. She sighs as she taps through the multi-factor authentication process of confirming her identity. The final step, waiting for the confirmation on one thousandth of a circuitree, allows Eagna to properly observe her surroundings.

Her eyes scan the check-in area, taking in snapshots of those coming and going. Families, training groups, the odd courier. Her focus settles on a ring-tailed businessman as he approaches the kiosk to her right. Then she notices, at the kiosk to his right, a redheaded man who looks away the instant their eyes connect. She narrows her eyes at him.

A beep from the kiosk recaptures her attention. She reads the screen.

Chanceports Text Screen 1 by PegasusPhysics. Reads: Identity confirmed. Access travel arrangements. Make travel arrangements.

Eagna selects “access travel arrangements” and carries on with the check-in process, but tries to keep the redhead in her line of sight.

Chanceports Text Screen 2 by PegasusPhysics. Reads: This is your first trip beyond the oasis. Please pick up the receiver to hear important information.

A circle on the front of the kiosk slides open. Eagna reaches in, retrieves the shallow metallic cup with a ring of hemp-covered foam around the rim, and places it against her ear.

Greetings, traveller! Thank you for choosing Chanceports for your transportation needs.

Your first journey beyond the oasis can be an exciting one! But as it is your first time, we feel it’s necessary to bring potential concerns to your attention.

Animal Concerns:

The serpion is a burrowing ambush predator that can deliver fast-acting doses of paralytic venom from both its jaws and tail.

The giant owl averages eight meters in length with a fifteen meter wingspan. Given the chance, it will indeed swallow you whole and spit out your bones.

Climate Concerns:

At Chance Way, we ride out the worst of the sandstorms under the safety of the Shell. Even the jungle has its hiding places. But there is no shelter amongst those barren desert dunes.

Expect temperatures to regularly exceed fifty-five degrees Celsius during the day, and dip below freezing at night.

Additional Concerns:

Despite our official agreement to share the vast Abyss with the Sova Tribe, many of its members remain hostile towards us and our endeavours. In the event of an attack, defend yourself.

In light of these concerns, it is advised that you remain with the transport vehicle at all times until you reach your destination.

Each transport vehicle is staffed with four highly trained guardians. By utilising our transportation services, you are agreeing to cooperate with these guardians should any of the aforementioned concerns become emergencies.

Thank you for listening to these audio terms. Please enjoy your journey!

A melody plays to punctuate the end.

You are now cleared for boarding. Please proceed to the security checkpoint.

The kiosk spits out a small strip of paper.

Eagna grabs it, puts the earpiece back, and scans for the redhead. He’s facing away. She proceeds to the opposite end of the check-in row and joins an empty queue. The guard waves her over with a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it flick of the wrist. She approaches.

The guard takes her strip of paper, feeds it into a slot above his keyboard, and stares at the monitor. “Business or pleasure?”

Eagna matches his bland tone. “Spiritual journey.”

He gives her a visual once-over. “No luggage?”

“Spiritual journey.”

He observes her face for a moment, then turns back to the screen, taps a few buttons on his keyboard, and flicks his wrist again. “Please pass through the scanner. Thank you for choosing Chanceports for your transportation needs. Enjoy your journey.” He waves over another before Eagna can respond.

She steps through the scanner. Another bored-looking guard gestures for her to keep moving.

As she passes eateries and souvenir shops, the window reflections expose the redhead on her tail. She boards the vehicle and takes a seat near the middle. A family of passengers board, then the redhead appears. Eagna watches him traverse the aisle, passing her to sit at a tabled-booth a few rows back.

She moves to the seat across the table and makes herself comfortable. “What’s your name?”

His bottom lip drops as she joins him. “Toy”

“I’m sorry- Toy?”

He tightens his jaw. “Toy.”

”Okay, Toy-” She pauses. “Nope. Gotta ask. Why is your name Toy?”

“Because I was named by a child.”

“And yet you keep the name?”

“Not my call. Look, do you have something to say that isn’t about my name? Or do I need to change the subject for you?”

Eagna considers annoying him further, but doesn’t want to foil whatever Fyn has planned. “Fine - Toy - Why are you following me?”

His face smiles and frowns simultaneously. “You know why I’m following you.”

Eagna, lacking a clever reply, leans back in her seat and says nothing.

Toy folds his arms, tightens his lips, and leans back as well.

Commence staring contest?

This goes on for so long that she almost doesn’t notice they’re approaching the last stop.

She stands and stretches muscles tightened by two hours of motionless sitting. “Don’t go anywhere without me?”

Toy rolls his eyes.

She smirks at him, walks to the back of the vehicle, and enters the ladies’ lavatory.

“Hi!” Fyn sits on the sink, legs crossed, reclining against the mirror.


“Right this way.” Fyn hops off the sink and gestures to the last stall. She holds her hand in front of the stall door without touching it, takes a deep breath, then closes the gap with a slap and a huffed exhale. She opens the door.

Eagna peers in, expecting to see a toilet. Instead, she sees a different bathroom on the other side of the threshold. No visual distortions or atmospheric changes, just an opening between one location and another.

Fyn, short of breath and on the brink of perspiration, waves Eagna through. “Quickly now, please.”

Eagna steps through the doorway.

Fyn follows and shuts the door, then exhales as if relieved. She looks at Eagna. “Hungry?”

“I could eat.”

Thank you for reading. _

Written by @PegasusPhysics

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