The Night Gods II- Chapter VIII: Meeting

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Denning possessed more ambition than brains: A condition that rarely meets with success in the world of politics. Lockhart and his rich devil-worshipping cronies may have a plan, but so too did Denning and it didn't include being subservient to anybody... Night Gods or not. This was going to be a contest of wills and Denning had no plans on losing. Domination is the game and the world the prize... and Denning had plans to be King!

Maureen's funeral provided Denning a chance for another premier performance and he was determined not to disappoint. He planned to use his wife's murder as a springboard to launch his "win it for Maureen" campaign. There were others, however, who had plans of their own... Plans that differed vastly from his.

"WWDC TV," said the pleasant voice on the telephone.

"Yes, I'd like to speak with Bret Shoemaker, please." It was the voice of a woman.

"May I tell him who's calling?"

"Yes, tell him Lena Cedeno, I'm the Executive Assistant to Senator Ashby."

"I'll ring his extension," the pleasant voice again.

"Thank you." Lena got his voicemail and she told Shoemaker that she had vitally important information pertaining to the election.

Investigative journalist, Bret Shoemaker had a segment on the nightly national news called The Real Deal. He had a reputation for being a tough, but fair-minded, honest, no holds barred investigator that got to the bottom of issues regardless of political party and he didn't mind a bit whose toes got stepped on along the way. The only thing that mattered to Shoemaker was the truth and he didn't care whose feelings got hurt along the way. He had brought out the perspiration on the brows of many rich, powerful and famous people in crusade against all and any corruption. This didn't make him very popular in political circles, but he had a massive national viewership... a real appeal to average folks across the country. His show had some of the best ratings in that timeslot nationwide. It took a few hours, but he returned lena's call in late afternoon.

"Hello, Ms. Cedeno?" Shoemaker had a pleasant voice. Lena had heard him many times on TV, but he sounded much nicer this way.

"Yes," she answered back, "As I told the receptionist I'm the Executive Assistant to Senator Ashby. I have some important information for you but don't want to talk over the phone."

"Can you give me a little hint?" Ms. Cedeno had piqued his curiosity. What could the assistant to a well respected senator have for him... It could only be one thing, he thought- Denning. Shoemaker had been suspicious of him from the beginning.

"It has to do with Governor Denning and the deaths of his wife and that volunteer that was hit by a car." That was as far as she would go over the phone.

"Well, you certainly have my interest," Shoemaker said seriously. "When can we meet?" If he could get something concrete on a presidential candidate, it would be dynamite.

"Name it," she said, "I'm flexible."

They made arrangements to meet for lunch at a small Italian restaurant in NW Washington at 1:00 that way it would be mostly cleared out after the usual lunch crowd and it had booths for added privacy. it seemed the perfect place. Lena arrived just before 1:00 to find Shoemaker waiting. She ordered an antipasto and he had veal picatta. They talked as they ate.

"Ok," he said, "what's this earth-shattering news you have for me."

"First, before I say anything,,, I want to make absolutely certain that I stay anonymous. I won't go on camera with this. I'm more than happy to give you what I have, even help with any investigation you want to do... But, no cameras," she said emphatically.

He stood and opened his sport jacket. "Look," he said, "no cameras." He was smiling, trying to put the nervous woman at ease. "If it's as important as you seem to think, we'll go with it."

"Oh, it's important," she said. "That girl Melissa that died in the hit and run... That was no accident. I'm convinced."

"What makes you say that. What evidence do you have?"

"Nothing concrete, just suspicion, at this point." She leaned forward and said in a low voice, "she called me the night before and was on her way to meet me at my office. That meeting she had with Denning earlier was no strategy session about young voters... She told me on the phone that he beat her up and brutally raped her. He's a pervert... a sadist. It also seems more than a little coincidental that she was hit just as she was crossing to our office- by a cab that wasn't supposed to be there. I checked with all the cab companies and not one had a cab in that area."

"Hmmm," Shoemaker was putting it all together in his head.

"There's more," Cedeno said in the same quiet voice. "She wanted advice and my help to get him arrested and prosecuted... That's why she was murdered."

"How did Denning know about the meeting?" Shoemaker asked suspiciously.

"I'm sure they were tapping her phone. The cell she was using was registered to the campaign, not to her. How difficult would it be to listen in on her conversations- especially after what happened. I also don't think Denning is alone in this and I don't believe for a minute his wife getting killed was a random act of violence."

"This is some story. You believe that a presidential candidate had his own wife killed? Why?" Shoemaker looked up at her between bites of veal. "How's your salad, by the way?" His mind was going a hundred miles an hour trying to put it all together. There was something in Lena Cedeno's manner that made him want to believe her. He had a sense for these things. She was earnest and forthcoming, something rare in political types. he knew Senator Ashby, of course, and had heard only good things about him and those close to him- another rarity in Washington.

"We've got to have more proof. Will you work with me?" He asked.

"Absolutely," she said her eyes searching his. "All I want is for whoever is responsible for Melissa's death to be brought to justice. I feel kind of responsible for not going to meet her or telling her to be more cautious," she said lowering her gaze... "that's another reason I came to you- you have a reputation for being honest."

"If you had, you might be right along with her. If you're right about Denning and his pals, they won't be slowed down by something as small as murder." He reached across the table and took her hand saying: "You be careful yourself. I'll see what I can find out about Denning's pals.

"What are you going to do?" She asked.

"Simple," he said with a grin. "What I always do... Follow the money." The erst of the meal they spent talking about the more banal aspects of politics. Brety liked her; she was refreshingly candid, a rarity in the world of politics. he also believed her. When they had finished, Lena tried to pay for her lunch. Shoemaker held up his hand... "Expense account- let the station pay." They exchanged cards. Bret wrote his personal numbers on the back. "You can reach me at these numbers night or day. If you need anything, or feel threatened in any way- you call me immediately."

They shook hands and went their separate ways completely oblivious to the well-built man that had been observing them.

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