Hardfork 18 - A Horror Story

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Marketing guy woke up ready for the big announcement. He had been looking forward to this day ever since his inception. He was almost two weeks old. Ned had grown him in a lab for the purpose of developing the Steem blockchain. He cleaned his teeth and brushed his hair.

"This is it! The big day!" he said as he gave a double thumbs up to the mirror.

Marketing guy left his apartment which was inside of the laboratory. Men and women in labcoats ticked boxes as he left the facility. He got into his self driving car that looked like a boat; it was a handy-down from Dan. Marketing guy did not know that though as he was still new to the world.

The cold air hung in the air like cold air hanging in cold air. The big day had all been planned out as well as the previous sentence; a beautiful seemless transition.

As he drove to the mainframe terminal cortex overlay unit to interface with the Steemit platform based on the steem blockchain trouble was brewing. Little did he know but Dan had set a trap in Hardfork 18. It was supposed to be a glorious day, but the gates of hell had been opened. Cthulhu had sucked up all the steem. On the otherside of the globe a brave Irishman made a funny comic attempting to exploit the maelstrom that was Steemit. Despite his heroics and breaking the curse achieving 15 cents while everyone else was starving to death, he was double flagged by Abit and Smooth; who were mega jelly of his 15 cents.

Anyway when the marketing guy arrived at the mainframe terminal cortex overlay unit he connected into the Steem blockchain, connecting the plugs directly into his eyeballs. What he saw shocked him. He removed the plugs from his eye sockets, but his eyes were now gone; claimed by the void that now floated through the Steem blockchain. Everything went black.

Marketing guy curled up into a ball unable to cry because his eyes were gone. He heard the familiar sounds of Dan's leather shoes clicking and clacking, approaching...

"Dan! Is that you?" Marketing guy called out.

"HEH HEH HEH!" Dan laughed.

"Why Dan?" Marketing guy pleaded.

"I set it all up. I planted this problem into hardfork 18, all because I couldn't get full custody of you Marketing guy!"

"NOOOOOO!" Marketing guy screamed.

Ned ejected the floppy disk. Ending the simulation. Everything went white for the marketing guy.

"Why are you doing this?" a handsome young intern asked Ned.

"Lulz I don't know?" Ned confessed.

They quietly drank tea in the staff lounge, realising that it didn't really make any sense, but pretended not to know.

On the otherside of the world a sexy Irishman asked himself "What have I wrote? Where did the plot go? The end?"

Part 2

Irish Writer, Poet, & Lover

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