Hardfork 18 - A Horror Story Part 2: Feel the Bern

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Marketing guy had been lying on the floor for several hours. Maybe an eternity. He couldn't tell, although his face still felt shaved. Shaved like a banana. Everything was white. Dan had vanished. Then suddenly he heard some unfamiliar footsteps.

"Who's there?! Don't come any closer or I'll stab you" Marketing guy threatened.

"Come with me if you want to live" a voice called out.

"Who are you?" Marketing guy questioned.

"Colonel, now just follow me, there is no time to explain!"

Colonel grabbed marketing guy's hand and led him out of the mainframe terminal cortex overlay unit room. Without eyes he couldn't see, but he could already feel his hearing improving like Ben Affleck in Daredevil.

"Yeah! Ben Affleck..." Marketing guy quietly whispered.

After half an hour of rushed walking Colonel stopped.

"Just keep walking forward trust me" he said.

Marketing guy's super human hearing deteced a vehicle approaching at high speed. He jumped out of the way. The vehicle struck colonel sending him off over the cliff he had tried to make Marketing guy walk off. Someone got out of the vehicle and approached Marketing guy. Without warning he popped two balls into Marketing guy's eyes.

"My eyes! I can see again! Thank you..."

It was Bernie Sanders. He had a flamethrower on his back.

"Don't mention it. Now stand back, that troll managed to hang onto the side of the cliff"

Marketing guy watched as Bernie Sanders sprayed flame down the side of the cliff and onto colonel. Colonel fell while on fire. Marketing guy wasn't sure what he saw because of adapting to his new eyes, but it looked like colonel's face morphed into troll face for a moment as he fell down the cliff, burning in flames.

Bernie told him to get in the vehicle. It was a pink convertible beetle. Two burnt bodies hung out of the boot.

"What's going on?!" Marketing guy questioned.

"They negated my votes on this really funny comic"

Marketing guy got in the passenger side. Bernie dangerously turned the car around veering over the edge of the cliff.

"Be careful!" Marketing guy warned.

"They're my votes! I'll do what I like with them" Bernie indignantly proclaimed as he slammed the reverse on and took the car over the side of the cliff "I can do what I want!"

Marketing guy bailed, although he was still falling to his certain doom. As he looked up at Bernie's car which was not falling as fast as him he noticed it had rocket boosters underneath. Bernie activated them. The flames from Bernie's vehicle singed Marketing guy's eyebrows. He watched in disbelief as Bernie flew to safety. Within moments marketing guy crashed into the ground. Everything went dark.

Ned ejected the floppy disk. The handsome young intern stood behind him having watched the simulation.

"What's this going to achieve?" the handsome young intern asked.

"He will be ready" Ned exclaimed, as he looked left towards the bacta tank which Marketing guy floated in a fluidy suspension. Wires and other technical things were connected to his body, feeding the data from Ned's floppy disks into his brain.

The end?

Part 3

Irish Writer, Poet, & Lover

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