BOOK RECOMMENDED #1 : ``Self Reference Engine''


fiction and nonfiction reviews

Self Reference Engine〉by Toh Enjoe

TYPE : distant future science fiction

I finally got around to reading it. I am finding it EXCELLENT.

Surprisingly. I expected something postmodern based on the description. (Postmodern is short for no metanarrative. That is, no point.) Instead, what I found was a cross between O Henry and Robert Heinlein and the Strugatsky Brothers.

It might be considered musing on technology as it affects behavior. I suspect it's the sort of thing that somebody like Marshall McLuhan or Jerry Pournelle would have highly rated.

The stories are woven together neatly, but somewhat episodic. The text is tightly written. It does a lot with a few words.

The interesting thing is that you can go against the advice of the author and read the twenty chapters out of order. I find that interesting anyway.



I am a scientist who writes fantasy and science fiction under various names.

The magazines which I most recommend are:
Compelling Science Fiction (patreon) and
the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction.
I also enjoy the results of the Writers of the Future.


BOOK RECOMMENDED — fiction and nonfiction reviews
FISHING — thinking about technology
MACRO HIGH RES — artistic photography blog
TEA TIME — taking a break and thinking

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