[Fiftywords] Melted Away... (Micro Fiction)


So here's my return to @Jayna's #fiftyword contest. The weeks
promot is Chocolate I already wrote a fiftyword about chocolate before, so the next thing that comes to mind in summer? Melting... So this is my theme in this story!

Melted Away...

"Too hot outside..."

The message left on the table I woke up next to, mocked the coldness around. The paper smelled like the chocolate I found, frozen in melted state.

I searched for clues.
"How I got here?"

Only the door left. Moments later, I melted away, filled with regret.

- Game Over -

The story is a little too grim this time but I felt it was awesome!

The original script was 69 words long so I had to cut many words and rephrase so much to fit into the 50 words limit.

Because I don't like bad endings wrote "game over" instead of "the end." Maybe the man might get a good ending in the next try, (or woman not sure if I had any indication in the story.)

I also made the door blue on purpose to give you a chilly feel before you start reading... Did that work?

I hope you enjoyed reading this, please tell me your thoughts in comments

Cover image is made using "Photo by Piotr Hamryszczak on Unsplash."
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