When Your Gym Day Goes Terribly Wrong

I went grocery shopping this weekend. I forgot to wear the requisite support gear on my arm to protect my healing tendon. My five-year-old decided the middle of the first shopping stop was a great time to transform into a monkey and use my injured arm as a branch to swing from. I'm guessing you can imagine how that went over and how it pertains to the above title.

I need to be comfortable with where I am.
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I spent the rest of the weekend in pain (be we have food!). When she grabbed hold of my arm, she not only turned my wrist and elbow, she wrenched my shoulder. The result is a very angry rotator cuff that was almost back to normal.


Friends, I'm tired of waiting. Of working hard to not work hard. I want to be lifting things and doing pull-ups. I really, really wanted to be on the pull-up cage today at CrossFit. Instead, I was on my back on the floor improving my hollow holds while everyone else did skill on the cages. I even had to modify my modification because I am unable to raise my left arm above my head due to the compressed joint and internal swelling.

But I'm not all about bad news. These frustrations have a point. Even though my gym day didn't go as planned, I still showed up. Even though I couldn't do what the rest of the class was doing, I still worked. Even though I couldn't challenge myself as much as I wanted, I still got in a great core workout. Hollow holds are no joke. My abs are swole.

And my classmates were, as always, a loving family. They know how hard it is to not be able to work. I have been injured since October. I am over it. We all want to see this heal so I can get back to where I like to be.

It will happen. Patience is everything.

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