GIVING BACK: 5SBD Payout for Best Comment Weekly

Here's something exciting: I got @nat5an to join Steemit. He's my other half, my swolemate, the father of my children. I have known him more than half my life. I love him like gravy loves mashed potatoes. What we have is real.

fall family -11.jpg
photo by @jealousyjane

Thing is, he's a gifted writer. Unlike me though, he doesn't love writing and want to do it ALL THE TIME. Scheduled daily posts don't make his heart palpitate or his fingers dance over the keyboard. So he has this account that I sent him the Steem to power up. And it's just sitting there.

That's a drag. We were talking about it last night on our date. It wasn't a board game date this time, though we did look at some board games while we were out. We went shopping to buy him a new scarf (it's COLD here), then looked for desks because he needs one of those (no luck), then dinner and our favorite cap to any evening sans kids, a walking tour of Barnes & Noble.

Somewhere along the way I said, "Hey, if you're not going to use your account, can I post on it?"

See, I've had this idea about how to get my kids to practice their writing. Homeschool mom here. I have to think about this stuff all the time. And it occurred to me that @nat5an could still post on his own blog (duh), but I could keep it active and earning until he figures out what he truly wants it for. And when I asked he said, "Okay," handed over his password and now I get to write on his blog.


But I don't want to waste this opportunity. That is why I am inviting you to follow and comment on posts that appear here and on @nat5an. Each week, I (@shawnamanwa) will award 5SBD to the best comment made on either @nat5an OR @shawnamawna. In the case that multiple amazing comments are made, I will break up the 5SBD and distribute among 2-3 winners. Also, I will mark which posts on his account at by me or me and our children so you know who's who.

* I will be looking at comments made Monday through Sunday.

* Following @nat5an and @shawnamawna is recommended but not required.

* A great comment is one that demonstrates engaged readership and says more than "nice work."

* If you want to upvote or comment your support on a comment to help me decide, go for it!

I'm excited to help him build his Steemit empire. I'm not sure what the family will be posting yet, but I'm excited at the possibilities. I'm also open to suggestion. I think we will do a photo challenge of some kind, and possibly a family freewrite daily. Since today is a snow day, keep your eyes peeled! We will probably put something up in the next little while.

Do you share an account with friend or family on Steemit? Would you? How would you go about it?

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