Steem Fitness Challenge Final 2 Weeks!

Can you guys believe this is almost over. We've been on this journey together for 3 months!I know it's really helped me stay motivated as I try to achieve my fitness goals. Although I may have been over ambitious with them, here's hoping my competitive spirit kicks in to bring it home! The competition ends on March 5th and I'll make a post then announcing my results I'll wait for everyone else results and calculate all the payouts and make a final post.


I'll start with a quick run down on my goals


It continues to decline much slower these days, and I have yet to hit the 180lbs that is my goal for the contest, but sitting between 183-183 on a regular basis. I think with kicking it into high gear, I can lock this one down over the next 2 weeks. I am down from a starting weight of 193lbs.

Heart Rate

I was actually a bit surprised to see this one really have some profound improvement. I feel that by starting running again and being more active my body found it's previous resting heart rate, likely some sort of muscle memory effect. I started the competition at 65BPM and my Goal was 55BPM and I find myself consistently sitting around 50BPM these days. So this one looks like a success.


This one has proven to be the biggest thorn in my side. Early on my pace plateaued around the 6min/km point, but I was finally able to bring it break that barrier and bring it down to around 5:55min/km. My goal is to get it under 5:30/km for a 5km run. I was actually getting closer on one of my last runs, but found that I gassed out right at the end.


This new route did turn out to be a bit more mountainous than I expected too.


I'll have to re-evaluate either starting off faster, or finding a second gear for the last half of the run. My last option is to beg one of the girls I know who are very active runners to come out with my one night, I've always found a running partner can be very motivating and help to break those barriers. I know I'm close to this one and I feel this is the one that I just need to mentally push through and give it my all and hopefully I can break the pace I need.


The Pot

It is currently sitting at 180SBD, with (50 pledged from @phelimint, 50 pledged from @dkid14, 10 from @buggedout)
The additional 70SBD was added from @phelimint and the update post payouts along the way.
Our last 2 competitors have been holding there own pledges (@carrieallen Pledge 25USD, and @byn pledged 10SBD)

The competitors

@buggedout has withdrawn from the competition and is currently under medical investigations for some chest pains and symptoms he was having, I'm sure he's going to be alright, but has decided to take it a bit slower.

@dkid14 has went dark, and he last showed off his Sweet Kicks in this post here, I'm not even sure if that's right, but I think that's what these guys call there shoes.

@carrieallen was last seen getting a bit down on herself in this post here, but she has made some great changes to her lifestyle being more active and has a few inches despite only a small amount of weight loss. Focus on the positive girl! The holidays, winter and flu season are hard and your doing great!

@byn continues to totally rock it! If you wanna see success you need to be following her Weight loss Wednesday Posts She's been at this a bit longer than the rest of us and has made some very impressive changes over the last year. She's got photo's and all that, that are pretty impressive, but it's so great to hear her talk about how she feels and how positive she is these days. That's the best of making these lifestyle changes is really how good you start to feel!

Well here from everyone in 2 weeks and good luck on the home stretch

Footer by @bearone

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