# The Attributes of God. Part One. Unique Attribute of God (v)

Psalm 90

Lord, you have been our dwelling place
throughout all generations.
Before the mountains were born
or you brought forth the whole world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God.

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Hello everyone, Thanks again for coming to read this post on The Attributes of God Part One. This is the fifth part of Unique Attribute of God. To read the early parts visit Part one, Part two, Part three and Part four. I am going to be talking about the existence of God which is eternal.

God Is Eternal

This means that He has no beginning and has no end. There was never a time, either in the past or the future, when God did not or will not exist. He is not bound by human time.

But you, Lord, sit enthroned forever;
your renown endures through all generations. Psalm 102:12

This is why He described Himself by the title "I am". In Exodus 3:14, God told Moses that He is “I am who I am" and he should tell the people of Israel that ‘I am' has him to them so to save them from the hands of the Egyptians.
God is expressing a continual, infinite (i.e., endless) and eternal existence.

John 8:58
“Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

God was, is, and will be forevermore. He is everlasting to everlasting. He will never aged and will always dwell in us.

Thanks for reading and God bless you.

[NIV Study Edition Bible.]

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