Flame Pea in [ Wildflowers Series # 7 Photography ][ 8 photos ]

Flame Pea

Chorizema Varium x ilicifolium

Another Wildflowers photography Series, all about Flame Pea photos.

Chorizema Varium common name Flame Pea , has amazing fluorescent pink and orange flowers.
They are in the family of Fabaceae; one of short lived plant / shrub. They mainly grows near the sea-side. Flowering in winter and spring time.

Wildflowers Photography Series # 7 - Flame Pea ( Chorizema Varium )
Photography and Author by @bullionstackers
Day Photography - Original By @bullionstackers
100% Own Work.
All Content Copyright Reserved

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#whalepower #photography

Other Wildflowers Series:

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