Pluck 'Em Not

Flowers are a blessing from above aren't they? Even those of a weed. The tinier they are, the more difficult it is to see the details, we sometimes have to take a closer look. Here's one of those that would probably not caught our attention unless they are in a bunch.

I found a bunch of them in the parking lot I mentioned in this post. The only reason I took notice of them is because they looked like rows of pearls in the sunshine from afar. I went closer and found out they're actually Clover flowers. A bunch of Trifolium Repens also called The Dutch Clovers.

Had they been yellow like their cousins which I found on Calpe's Peñón de Ifach, they would have been easily noticed. These have flowers five times the size of the Clover of Trefoil. They were just growing on that marble filled rock mountains. I found them because the honeybees were on a bunch of them buzzing.

I took the pic of the Yellow Woodsorrel with a Samsung Galaxy Note 1

I have them both in my garden but in pots because they tend to spread fast as they are runners. I am planning to allow the Yellow Woodsorrel to thrive in the front garden from next year.

Aside from the Trefoil of Clover, I also found these.

They grow better when in moist, fertile soils. They grow in fields, along side of roads, waste areas and in home gardens . The flowers and leaves are edible and you can have them dried or eat them fresh. It is better to eat just a few as it has a pungent smell that could only be gone when the flowers are dried.

Yes, now may not be the time to be planting since it is near winter on my side of the earth but on the other side must be summer and next Spring shall come so now is the time to find out which flowering plant you could have by then and if you'd like to attract more bees in your garden, these flowers could make that happen for you so when you see them thrive, trim them - Yes, but please, pluck them not. As long as you plant them in full sun and give some regular watering in summer, they'd take care of themselves.


Trifolium repens

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .

I took the rest of the pictures with my Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 edition.


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