250 Followers & Resume Review Contest #2!


Once again, I find myself at a nice, even round number of followers. With that round number, I want to give a thanks to everyone I've interacted with in the community. In the comments, through my posts, and in the #MinnowSupportProject, which recently surpassed 3000 helpful minnows. (Check out our Discord Room ). First, a quick shout out to all my current followers for the support. I hope to continue to push out great content on Careers, Crypto and Creative works like bad poetry and bad memes.

Resume Review Contest #2

Please check it out if you are in need of a new job, a better job, or just want to spit-polish your resume.

The Rules

  • Provide a brief description ( a few sentences) on why your resume or your career needs help in a comment below.
  • The most upvoted comment with their resume request will get chosen a week from now on Saturday 7/22/2017.
  • I will reach out to the winner and have them send me their resume for a detailed review with recommendations to help them tell the best career narrative they can with all the tricks I can muster.

If you want to see what some of the tips look like, check out the results of my last contest.


I believe in Steemit as a disruptive platform and look forward to its future that can only be made by all of us!

Previous Posts

Network Effects
Negotiation Tips - Mirroring
I Hate Your Poem
5 Steemit Ideas
Icy Breaths

Thank you for your time and attention!
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