#followfriday, er... Saturday!


I am going to do my best that every Friday I share with you a handful of Steemians that have inspired me during the week. So because I am "stealing" the idea from @bitcoin-dood. We want to make it a thing, so, get yourself up a post, title and tag it #followfriday. Let's share with each other some really great people that deserve to be seen. Sometimes I might share duplicate Steemians over the weeks since this is really about sharing who has inspired me during the week. Sometimes I feel like their latest work really needs to be seen.

Check out these inspiring Steemians!


@aunt-deb has really been a big support for me here in Steemit! I look forward to her comments and enjoy her posts! She's been following me for a while and I appreciate her for that! I love her garden update posts on her Rag-Tag Garden! I've been enjoying watching her garden grow in all kinds of different reused containers! I am definitely living vicariously.


I live following Chelsea! She posts really great and thought provoking articles! Check out on of her recents on The Illusion of Self Reliance. I also love her more light articles like this one about a brute encounter with a deer while out running! So cool!


Basically the only other Oregonian homesteader that I know on Steemit! So obviously I've got to represent! Seems like they've been busy on the homestead lately and haven't been able to get to Steemit, but you won't regret following them once you read the recipes they share! They're all about foraging and making things from what they forage! I always find it crazy interesting! Check out their latest concoction with Blackberries!

That's it for today! Go show these Steemies some love!

Check out my most recent Steemit Posts.

As always @farmstead here blogging from FarmsteadSmith!

Sorry! No pic of me with a bitty piece of paper today! I am writing this at one in the morning... forgive me?

It's been a beautiful day today! The smoke from the local and not-so-local wildfires seems to be disappearing. I am so thankful for that!!

Photos by me using my iPhone 6s, unless stated otherwise!

Badges by @daddykirbs and @allforthegood!

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