STEEMIT CULLINARY CHALLENGE #45: Vegan Buddha Bowl With Unicorn Noodles 🦄🍜🥗

Gooooood Morning my steemit friends!
I hope you are doing great today 😊
Todays day we will start with another Steemit Culinary Challenge, where theme of this weeek is Vegan Buddha Bowl 🤗I love this challenge for different theme for each week!

Buddha Bowl it is bowl with variety healhy products like veggies, grits, fruits and seeds. It is loaded with riches of nutritional value, balanced, colorfull and healthy-looking dish, which fit in one, filled to capacity bowl. This bowl you can prepare in home by yourself, and not only for beautiful photos for Instagram 😁. First and foremost you can eat one's fill and to feed up your organism 😊. Moreover, you can take this bowl to your work or school and indulge self with it!😋

Of course, because I really dislike boring plates and I really like to do some experiments with cuisine, I made this dish for me and my soul mate in my version.❤️
With "unicorn noodles" and Cheesy sauce, which I made lately. Hmmm, it doesn't looks like "traditional" Buddha Bowl because of these noodles, or maybe I'm wrong?😲
Once, I have seen budda bowl of goods with noodles instead of grits. And then I thought about "unicorn noodles", which are really easy to do with the help of red cabbage and a bit of lime or lemon juice.🦄 I'm sorry, I forgot to make photos of these amazing-look noodles without others goods 😔

It was really easy to do, incredible good, healhy and I was full after eating this bowl😊.
Now then, shall we get down to recipe?😌

For preparing Buddha Bowl you will need:
for two bowl

  • one avocado
  • one sweet potato
  • a cup of broccoli
  • red onion
  • red cabbage
  • kohlrabi
  • leek
  • handful of arugula and sprouts
  • few mushrooms
  • a half cube of natural tofu
  • rice noodles
  • hanful of cashews
  • a bit of black sesame
  • a bit of sauce from this recipe ( I left some sauce without flour)
  • lime or lemon juice
  • salt&ground pepper
  • soy sauce


  • peel and cut onion, kohlrabi, avocado, mushrooms and sweet potato

  • boil water with 1/4 tsp of salt and place chopped sweet potato in it. Boil till, it will be soft

  • into other pot add hot water with red cabbage, boil it, till water will be purple

  • cut tofu in little cubes and add soy sauce to it

  • take out sweet potatoes from pot, but don't pour water! Put colander onto it

  • into purple water add a bit of salt and then noodles, boil, till it will be al dente

-into colander add broccoli, mushrooms, leek and tofu, leave it to 5 minutes under cover

  • take out noodles from water, divide it for two bowls, and to one bowl add lime or lemon juice, mix

  • start adding ingredients into bowl, fist on the middle place noodles in two colours, and around of it add vegetables and tofu

  • at the end, sprinkle it with salt&pepper, add cheesy sauce and seeds on top of it

Nothing more, nothing less! Very colorful, tempting, delicious and healhy lunch for everybody! I fell in love with it! I hope you also enjoyed my recipe for Steemit Culinary Challenge! Let me know in comments, what you think!
Have a great day, @babettxx! ❤️

Check my latest winning posts in this great competition and more!💙😋

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