DIY Nut Butter | Oh nuts! Its been on the shelf how long? Take charge of your food!


Do you check the expiration date labels on everything before you buy it?


I know I don’t.

Grocery Shelf life:

Did you know eggs can be on the shelf for 45 days
Potatoes can be stored for up to 11 months before they reach stores
Depending on the state,milk can be on the shelf anywhere from 12 to 21 days

I don't know about you but this doesn't make me feel very good.

We do have options! Buy from local farmers! Go to those farmer's markets, or even better grow or make your own!

Ever wonder about the age of those nut butters you buy at the local grocery?

Dating products is not even required by law. Infant formula is the only product in which product dating is required by the government. Sell by dates are just a guide for the stores so they know when to “rotate” their inventory. But most stores struggle to stay current. New software is constantly being developed to help them.

Knowing this I decided to take matters into my own hands. Part of my 2018 journey is to be more mindful about my health and well-being, examining my food. I know how to make a lot of things I buy at the store....but I've been to lazy or busy, but not anymore!

So join me Fellow Steemians while I churn my own nut butter!

We start with Raw Almonds


You will need:

1 cup raw almonds
Salt ( optional to taste)
Olive oil or coconut oil (optional as you like for texture)
Dates, honey, agave (optional for added sweetness)

makes 1 cup almond butter


You will want to soak your almonds overnight in filtered water. (8-10 hours).


Next morning:

Drain and rinse almonds
You can either dry the almond in the oven or if you have a dehydrator this works as well. Today I am using the dehydrator. (If you use an oven, set your oven to its lowest temperature. Dry 8-12 hours.)

Place almonds on dehydrator for 10-12 hours. Make sure they are dry.

Place dried almonds in your food processor. You will want to stop the processor periodically and scrape the sides. Initially the almonds will be crumbly. You will notice the almonds "heating up". This allows the oils to be released from the almonds, they begin to produce butter.

Be patient, keep processing! You may process for 15 minutes!

Gradually the almonds will begin to smooth, you may add a bit of when butter becomes smooth.

You may add salt if you wish!

Add honey, dates or agave if you wish!

See, I told you we could do it!


Store in airtight container and refrigerate! Now isn't this great! Fresh, no additives and no preservatives!


Thank you all for stopping by!
Birds in Paradise
Feel free to stop by and check out some of my prior posts!
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