Star Smoothies | Chuck Berry, Halle Berry, Ken Berry and Star Berry | What do they all have in common?


They’re all Berrys!

But who is Star Berry you ask?

Star Berry is better known by most as …

A Blueberry!


We know it as a SuperFruit!

The Blueberry was known by early Native American’s as a Star Berry because of the Star shape blossom on the end of the berry. The Star Berry or Blueberry was soaked and used to die cloth. Early colonists would boil milk and blueberries to make grey paint! The early Native Americans used to prepare a dish called Sautauthig consisting of blueberries, cracked corn and water. Many Historians believe this dish may have been served on the First Thanksgiving table. And today, the blueberry muffin is the most popular muffin!

As mentioned in many of my previous posts, I challenged myself to better health and wellness this year. My continued daily yoga is going great. I never knew I would enjoy it so much, although I still haven’t convinced the hubby to join me yet. Being mindful about where and what foods I buy has been fun. Now that I have more time I’m pulling out all of my making it instead of buying healthy options and recipes which I hope to continue sharing with you all.

And I love the morning juices or smoothies! I feel so good when I drink these. I also have to say I think I may have dropped a few pounds as well. Always a plus!

I know I mentioned muffins earlier, but I think today we’ll have a smoothie instead.

How about a Blueberry Bombshell Smoothie!


You will need:

1 cup blueberries
1 whole cucumber
1 lemon
2 apples
2 cups spinach
2 carrots
3 stalks celery
1” fresh ginger
serves 2
Wash all thoroughly. Chop and peel cucumber, lemon, ginger and carrots. Chop apples and celery. Process all with your juicer or blender.

And enjoy!


I hope you’ll join me on my journey towards better health and wellness. I would love to hear what you are doing? Do you have a favorite juice?

Thanks for stopping by,

And as always, blessings to you all!


Feel free to stop by some of my previous posts:

Why would I pay $9 for this at the grocery? I can save you $$
When I realized you are what you eat, I realized I was nuts
Friday Foodies Fire! We’re turning up the heat!
How I almost lost my daughter to Asthma
Health-We’re rolling out rockin raisins

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