The delicious and nutritious rice boiled with sea cucumber 营养美味的海参捞饭


I think you must eat the rice boiled with sea cucumber in the restaurant, it’s so delicious but the price is a little expensive. Sea cucumber with rice is nutritious as every one knows, pick. It is not only a delicacy on the banquet, but also a treasure to nourish the human body. It’s very popular with the people of all ages.

From the nutritious, sea cucumber is very low in cholesterol. It is a typical high protein, low fat, low cholesterol food. In addition , its meat is soft and tender, easy to digest, so, very suitable for all kinds of people to eat. But it is said that you can not eat the sea cucumber too much, or you will be not comfortable . So usually one is ok .

This noon , I stay at home alone , and I don’t know what to eat . Finally, I decided to make sea cucumber with rice , because it’s not hard and very delicious. Although you are alone at home , I think you should look after yourself well , in this way , you can have the ability to look after others well . Now let’s share it with you .

First, stew rice with electric rice cooker. Broccoli, carrots with hot water for one or two minutes the sea cucumber is also boiled about two minutes, then ger ready to use.

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材料 开水聊好.jpg

Put the a bowl of ice, broccoli, carrots, and sea cucumber on the plate.


Use oil, sauce, oyster oil, water and starch to cook the sea cucumber sauce. Then pour it on the rice , the delicious and nutritious rice with the sea cucumber is ok.



In the end, i ate up all the food !


What is your idea about this food ?wonderful ? Life needs to be adjusted by yourself. Only if you are healthy and happy, you can bring others healthy and happy, am I right ?

Thanks for you reading and hope you like it.

饭店里的海参捞饭我想大家一定很喜欢吃, 但是通常饭店里吃的海参捞饭,价格不菲,没有几十元是下不来的。而且海参捞饭从营养上来说,那更是没的挑。海参,既是宴席上的佳肴,又是滋补人体的珍品。一般来说好的海参,价格也是很贵的。

海参的胆固醇极低,是一种典型的高蛋白、低脂肪、低胆固醇食物。加上其肉质细嫩,易于消化,所以,适宜各类人群食用。不过据说海参不能吃多, 吃多了会上火的。 所以通常以一个为宜。

今天自己一个人在家,中午吃什么变成了一个难题。最后想来想去,还是做个海参捞饭吧,简单又营养,何乐不为呢?毕竟尽管一个人也不能糊弄啊, 也要好好的善待自己。正好冰箱里还有点西蓝花,还有一个水发海参,可以做这个海参捞饭。





怎么样? 自己在家也可以吃到海参捞饭,哈哈,真是自己动手丰衣足食啊!生活就是需要自己来调剂,只有自己健康快乐,才能带给别人健康快乐,不是吗?


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