Ayurvedic Banana - Apple Mango Smoothie

Apple mangoes were also on sale last week so I bought a few to spice up my morning banana smoothie which I wrote about here. Just plain banana smoothie gets boring, too.

Here are the ingredients for my Ayurvedic Banana Mango Smoothie

I wrote it back there that I have suffered from RSI on my first year here and used ginger and turmeric to combat RSI and it has worked for me. Just because it works for me doesn't mean it could work for you, too. If you are someone with a bile duct problem, suffering from gallstones, stomach ulcers, hyperacidity, diabetes and is suffering from a chronic skin problem ask your physician first whether it's alright for you to take ginger and turmeric.

If you got none of those disorders I mentioned above then this may work for you, too.

I have incorporated turmeric and ginger in my diet because of the many health benefits they have. Ginger has a healing effect not only on muscle pains but also on joint related problems. I'm taking ginger in the morning to prepare my gut to whatever I'll be feeding it and make sure the right nutrients goes to the right part of the body that needs it. People with arthritis are advised to take ginger.

Turmeric has this curcuminoids which is a phytochemical that works as an immune system booster, antioxidant, neuroprotective and prostate health benefits. Recent studies on human prove those. Although I have been blessed with a good skin gene from both of my parents, I actually look younger than my two sisters despite the fact that I am the eldest. I am certain that my diet and lifestyle has a huge influence on that.

Recent studies claimed that turmeric fights skin aging and prevents wrinkles from showing on your face and can even prevent skin cancer caused by too much sunbathing. I'm 38, unless I smile from ear to ear - the crow's feet in my eyes won't show. However, moisturizers also help because on some winter days - my fine lines surely show when I laugh.

There's nothing wrong with aging - I have embraced the fact that we're all going there when I turned 30. However, even if you do - admit it woman, there are times you wish that fountain of youth does exist. Well, there's no fountain of youth but nature has provided many fruits we could actually eat to keep looking young and healthier than how old we really are. Who needs botox and nip tucks when you are taking those.

I could just take them both in tea or soup but - no, turmeric doesn't taste okay at all. I could take ginger alone in warm water when my throat gets pretty sore from blabbing all day but turmeric - is no fun to eat. The only way to really take it is - in a smoothie or something sweet. Now, here's how I make my elixir of youth, I mean .. Banana -Apple Mango Smoothie.

Peel and slice the bananas into smaller pieces. Throw into the blender.

Peel and slice the ginger and throw in with the bananas.

Do the same with the turmeric. FYI: Turmeric could turn the skin of your fingers into yellow and stain any fabric or white surface.

Cut both cheeks of the mango. Peel and throw into the blender as well. As for the seed, I just ate it and you could also take the seed out and grow. Here's how to.

Add in half a cup of the yoghurt.

Hand blend, till you achieve that thick smoothie consistency. I don't use the classic blender because it tends to burn the enzymes of the fruit. It's hard to control compared to the hand blender.

Pour in a cup, serve and consume within 20 minutes to make sure the enzymes are still there.

I sprinkled some cinnamon on mine because cinnamon lowers the blood sugar and the combination of ripe bananas and mangoes may be high in fructose. Plus, I just love cinnamon aside from the fact that it also is anti-inflammatory.

Hub and I normally take our morning smoothie in an empty stomach.

disclaimer: The information in this article may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. Readers should better consult appropriate health professionals or their physicians. This article is written for the purpose of spicing up your regular banana smoothie and make it possibly nutrition packed.


Turmeric Skin Benefits
Why You Should Add Cinnamon to Turmeric and its Safe Dosage
The Benefits of Turmeric for Prostate Health

BREAKING NEWS : If you have read the article about my experiment log on growing walnuts from seeds, this is the progress after 2 weeks and one day on the walnuts. One of the walnuts has broken through! One baby walnut plant sprouting success and hoping for more ^ ^ .

I all of these pictures with my Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 .

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .


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