Eat Some Rainbow

Have you noticed that most kids foods are made colorful? Food companies got the idea from the phrase " Eat the rainbow.". Unfortunately, that phrase has not been said to encourage food that are modified with food colors specially those that are synthetically made - meaning; it's not really food.

It's not? Then why on earth are they feeding us that? Cheap resources enables cheap production and make huge profits. That's for the side of the food manufacturer but not for us, the consumers.

Just like what we say in the Philippines; " Sa panahon ngayon, bawal magkasakit." Translation:" In the economic situation that we are in - it is forbidden to get ill." It is actually more expensive to get sick these days than to eat healthy food. Buying cheap and processed food with ingredients that look like an experiment could actually make us sick.

It's a lot cheaper if we just really EAT THE RAINBOW.

Making kids eat the rainbow doesn't mean stuffing them with colorful lollies, rainbow coated chocolates or chewables nor rainbow hails. These days, parents in Asia are becoming more and more creative into feeding their kids the rainbow. I won't have a problem with this - as I chose not to have kids anymore but in case you do, here are some food art you could feed your kids. Just like what I once read on one of @mibenkitos article; " Our babies and children deserve respect, too." Do not feed them sh** just because it's cheap and easy to make.

If you were a child, would you eat this?

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." - Proverbs : 22:6

What are the advantages of eating the rainbow?

  • It strengthens the bond between parents and kids.
    For parents, you could involve your kids while making their food I can say this though I don't have children because when I was young although my mother couldn't cook, she makes good salad and every Christmas, she used to make several kinds of salads for the Christmas eve and made all of us - her "Tres Marias" help in. I did not just enjoy those moments, I treasure them because my Mom was always at work back then. We only get to talk to her on holidays and when she's at home and she made the most of those times really fun and usually in the kitchen.
  • Rainbow colored natural food are very high in vitamins and minerals. These days, this only applies to fruits and vegetables that are not sprayed.
  • They are rich in phytochemicals. We all know that phytochemicals fight cancer but then if your food isn't organic or sprayed - then we know, it would actually do otherwise.
  • Rainbow colored food - are an eyecatcher. In Asia, we spend much time and much attention to what we put on the table because our eyes eat first - before our mouth do. Most Oriental Moms - the Koreans, the Japanese, The Chinese and most of those Moms in the whole Asia do their best to train their children to eat vegetables these days.

Eating the rainbow doesn't mean you only eat fruits and vegetables. Isn't it the red meat is called so - and red is the first color of the rainbow? Eating the rainbow doesn't mean sticking to fruits and vegetables although many have said so and - the thought of that would really be good for the environment.

Here are a few ideas on eating the rainbow with an ample protein your body needs. Though I do not eat too much protein - just because studies already have proven that too much protein fastens aging, I still believe that we should respect everyone's food preference, although if you come visit my place, the only protein source you'd get here is white meat or sea food. What we don't eat, we don't serve our guests. What we don't eat or we may rarely eat - we usually have found out - unhealthy so why would we feed other people things we know - aren't good for our health?

Hub and I live in the principle; "Live and let live." and also that of; " Do not do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you." Even if you are an enemy or have done us something wrong, when you go hungry and ask for food - you shall be served with healthy food. Sometimes, I wish those who are having misunderstandings here would at least work together and just set aside our differences for the benefit of all of us - if we want this project to succeed and could we at least support every other project that comes up - whoever idea - it is - nor is involve in it and work together as one for the benefit of the whole community and our expansion? Aren't we all in this together? Or am I just too optimistic? But then, my articles don't seem to be read these days, so this may never reach them. Okay, enough with the litany, I am not trying to be a food guru nor a preacher. I just want to say - peace on earth please.

Here's an example of an easy recipe you could do without cooking and still eat the rainbow. Just remember then, choose organic, sprayed fresh produce could contain glyphosate - it does not only harm your body but also your kids, more so if you are in conception..


How to:

  • Just cut the vegetables however you want to. I learned from one of my kid students back when I was still in the Philippines that the smaller you cut the vegetables, the tastier they are and the easier they are to eat. Not to mention that they won't over power the rest of the ingredients.
  • Pile them up.

Work on the dressing next.

  • Cut the mandarin into half and juice 'em.

  • Cut the mint leaves into teeny tiny strips.

  • Add in 1 teaspoon of virgin olive oil.

  • Salt and pepper up. It's all up to you really.

  • Serve with the dressing.


sources: All the blued words

P.S. I haven't grown my head - I'm just letting my VI doze off a bit and recharge to its max. I hope you all understand. Thank you all so very much for your continuous support.

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .

Except for the ones, I sourced, I took each picture with my Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 edition.


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