Make A Pasta Dish Out of These Ingredients - A Challenge A Fellow Steemian Threw Me That I Gave In To

Can you make a pasta dish out of these ingredients? I did and it works!

I actually didn't use the whole deal of it, I eliminated the roasted cacao just because I didn't have time to grind nor powderise them. I didn't have the luxury of time to do it.

If you have read my article about Bibimbap, I mentioned it here that I used to watch The Iron Chef when I was young and fell in love with the cooking genius of the Japanese chef Rokusaburo Michiba. If you have noticed in most of my food posts, I always tweak or do something different than the original recipe.

So, I have always put references on which original recipe have I tweaked. Although I love every traditional food in Asia - cooked as they are, I've started tweaking and experimenting on food since I've been watching culinary challenges like Masterchef, Top Chef UK and many other cooking programs and there - like @wingz, I am also amazed at what the unorthodox - Heston Blumenthal can do with things that one would never thought of eating.

However, like @sharingeverybite (who needs your help if you have any knowledge about ticket reimbursement since they are stuck in iceland now - click here to lend help please),- I too have food allergies and can't eat some food without making my tummy suffer afterwards so, I won't really go that far as Heston would.

However when @haphazard-hstead picked up the message I was trying to send when I posted this- for those who would participate in the culinary challenge - "make something out of a limited set of ingredients", she challenged me to do it and I couldn't help but give in - out of curiosity.

This is how I came up with this pasta dish.

Anyway, I added a few ingredients just to bring balance to the taste. These were 'em.

I can't help but share both of these. These florets of Romanesco Brocolli just look so beautiful.

Here's how I did it.

Cook the penne according to the instruction in the packaging and mine says 10 minutes. Rinse and drain. Put in a bowl.

Cut the mint leaves in strips and add in the penne.

Work on the rest of the ingredients.

I cut the Kubotcha squash into cubes. Since it is organic, I didn't bother removing the peel. The peel of any vegetables and fruits contains the most amount of nutrients plus the peel of this Kubotcha has a very nutty taste. I only used a 150 grams because like the penne -this already has much carbs and though, no am not on a diet, I just avoid having too much carbs in my food.

Cut the stalk off the Romanesco broccoli but don't throw it away, just cut them into strips as well. Eat them raw - they are very rich in vitamin C, A, and K, folate, iron, manganese, carotene, protein, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Cut the florets of Romanesco broccoli into very small pieces or however big you want the pieces to be.

Heat up the coconut milk in the pan.

Pepper up and season however you want it. I used powdered chicken instead of salt.

Throw in the Kubotcha squash.

I didn't throw the part where the seeds are attached because that's the tastiest part so I just removed the seed and cooked it on the side. Threw it in the penne once it cooks.

Add in the Romanesco broccoli once the squash cooks.

I fished them both out of the sauce and threw the penne in, instead to let the sauce seep in them.

Turn the stove off and work on the mandarin. Cut each ear of mandarin into half and squeeze with a fork. Careful, for it might splatter everywhere. I ate the fiber - it helps with depositing eggs in your toilet the next day.

Cut the almonds into very small pieces and mix them in the dish.

Top with whatever protein source you like, I used organic smoked mackerels I cut in smaller pieces and crispy fried.

Plate and serve.


I'm freaking glad I gave in to this challenge. I didn't just have a blast experimenting, I made a meal hub and I surprisingly loved.

Curious what it taste like? Why don't you try making it, as well ;)!


What the Heck Is Romanesco and How Do You Cook It?
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Does Fiber Make You Poop?

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .

I took each picture with my Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 edition.


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