Homemade Wine: An Exercise in Quality Rewards vs Instant Gratification

For anyone that has spent time creating things for themselves--such as growing your own food, planting and harvesting your own fruit trees, building your own outdoor stove, baking your own fresh soft loaves of bread, rendering your own vinegar, or processing and decanting your own wine--you know exactly what a fun, educational, and rewarding process it is, especially when it takes place from start to finish of your own volition!

Wine making, for example, is an exercise in patience. (We refer to all of our fruit alcohols as "wine", but technically wine is only wine when it is made from grapes. In traditional wine making, there is no boiling or adding of sugar, but we do not use the technical wine making process.) Homemade "wine" is a somewhat labor intensive process: you pick fruit, clean it, boil it with sugar, and then strain it out & add yeast to start the wine process. It is a lot of work; sometimes it can take many hours to complete these steps. However, it is by far more rewarding than the alternative:

You could instead work a job you can probably barely stand, take the paper currency you earned from selling your life hours, walk into a liquor store, and pick out something that you honestly have no idea what it went through to become the alcohol you are about to consume.

  • Is the wine you just bought laced with pesticides, herbicides, or insecticides while grown? Probably.

  • Were those grapes cross bred with a strain of GMO (genetically modified organism)? Probably.

  • Does the store bought wine have a bunch of sulfites and other additives that contribute to hangovers and other negative effects? Yes it does. (See additional information link below!)

    Source: http://winegifted.com/9-signs-your-wine-has-gone-bad/

Unless you handle something from start to finish, you really have no idea what goes into its creation--so get productive, and make your own!

Here is a link to a previous post we did with all the steps to making homemade wine!

We make wine when we have an abundance of fruit to use up, and we recently made some delicious varieties! Stay tuned for upcoming posts when we decant these excellent homemade wines.

We hope this will inspire you to be productive and work towards the best possible life for yourself!

For additional resources on this topic, please check out some of these links and the ones above:


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