Mouthgasmic Food Formulas: RAW Vegan Golden Tomato Soup - only 4 Ingredients & 1 Step!!!

The food reality in our ecovillage is quite amazing: we can simply walk into the yard to harvest a fresh, delicious, nutritious feast, AND there's more than enough for everyone to have as much as they like!

Sharing the abundance is one of the best aspects of such a life. We are willing, able, and grateful to provide for anyone who needs or wants food - no questions asked. Please contact us if you would like food; we can make arrangements to give you a box of groceries or even prepared meals!

Food is an important and honored aspect of life in our ecovillage. Not only do we give away free food every single day, but we also share recipes & photos from our daily sustainable feasts here on the blockchain, because we want to encourage and inspire people to really take time to eat, enjoy it, and share it with someone you love!

Today, we have a bright, fresh, yummy, raw vegan formula for a healthy  tomato soup from our garden to share with you courtesy of our @truelovelives & @qiqi-power:

Check out @qiqi-power preparing this soup for our whole community!

This dish is super easy, fast, and delicious. When I make it here at the Garden of Eden, the part that takes the longest is harvesting all those tiny tomatoes. 

It is an enjoyable task nonetheless, connecting with the earth and sky, and popping these sweet little treats into my and baby's mouth along the way is so fun and yummy.  

I get many compliments on this dish, and it is well liked even by people who are new to raw food!

Raw Yellow Tomato Soup

Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 0 minutes
Makes 8 x 1 cup servings


8 cups grape, cherry or chopped tomatoes
5-8 medium sized cloves of garlic
1/2 - 1 teaspoon salt
8-12 leaves basil, oregano, or other fresh herbs


Put everything in the food processor until it is fluffy and creamy. Salt and pepper to taste.


Food is an elemental part of our daily life in community, and we hope to inspire more and more sustainable practices in regards to food!

You can learn more about our unique, intimate, and super sustainable relationship with food here!

For more inspiration, support, and service, please sign up for our newsletter! Once a week, we will deliver sustainable health & wellness insight and so much more straight to your inbox!

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