Today's Sustainable Omelette Feast in the Garden of Eden

Giving thanks for another bright, fresh, sunshiney day in the Garden of Eden! 

We made a delicious feast for our volunteers and guests today, cooking over fire using our handmade earthen rocket stoves in our sustainable outdoor kitchen! As usual, there was more than enough food for everyone, and we are happy to share our abundance with you.

We have lots of eggs, fresh veggies, and cheese, and we had so much fun making omelettes a few days ago that we wanted to have them again today!

Even though we made a similar dish earlier this week, omelettes never have to be the same thing twice! By mixing up the ingredients, we get something completely new and different every time. Same thing with our huge green salads; we eat them every day, but we change the veggies, how we cut them, dressing, and extras like cheese or nuts to make it something fully unique and one-of-a-kind every single day!

Omelettes start with eggs; we use 2-3 per omelette. Once we stuff them with yummy ingredients, the omelettes get pretty big, so we usually make 1 per person. There is more than enough of everything though, so if anyone wants another one, we make another one! We go through several dozen eggs per omelette feast. 

Then we top the eggs with delicious veggies, cheese, and meat for those who want it! Today we made 2 varieties of omelettes.

The first had sautéed zucchini, mushrooms, red onions, fresh mozzarella cheese, basil pesto, and golden tomatoes.

The second had basil pesto, feta cheese, organic turkey breast, sautéed mushrooms and onions, and garden spinach.

Omelettes cook very quickly, which is another reason they are a wonderful meal for a crowd. When the eggs are almost completely set, give it a flip to cover all the wonderful stuffings.

Then we plate them with some more sauce on top and some nice veggies on the side! 

Sometimes we get a little excited and carried away with the fillings, and the omelettes get so full that the egg "blanket" breaks. In that case, we top it with extra cheese, veggies, and sauce and call it a scramble! It's just as delicious as an intact omelette. 

Hope you enjoyed sharing our feast today! 

Food is important, and we hope to inspire people to really take time to eat, enjoy it, and share it with someone you love. We also hope to inspire more and more sustainable practices in regards to food! 

Food is an honored & elemental part of our daily life in community. You can learn more about our unique, intimate, and super sustainable relationship with food here!

We are happy & grateful to share our abundance - there's more than enough of everything! If you or anyone you know wants or needs food, contact us - we will give you free food, no questions asked. We make this offer every single day, because we are here to help one and all.

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