2 Quick, Easy, Delicious Vegan Breakfast Recipes for Steemians On The Go!

Hiya Steemians, I have TWO awesome vegan breaky recipes for you that are certified easy-peasy-lemony-squeezy!

Alright, I'll admit it! know that many of my recipes take more time than some people who aren’t as in love with food as I am to make… I’ve hinted over time to many of you out there at working up more realistic for you to actually make recipes to get you in the kitchen trying them out!

Today is that day! Are you as excited as I am?

I warn you though, since we got me all out of the box, we’re going to go completely all out. NO MEASUREMENTS! *Can you handle it? We're going to get extra playful up in here!
Breakfast should be fun! Start the day off with a smile!

1) Oh you fancy huh? Smoothie Bowl:

First up we have a smoothie that wanted to be fancy so we put her in a bowl to eat with a spoon instead of a glass, drunk by a straw!
The bowl is your easel, make way to create your masterpiece, dear Picasso.


What you need:

  • Frozen fruit (I used pineapple, banana, soursop, papaya and passionfruit for this but use whatever fruit you like!)
  • Filtered water
  • Fresh fruit (I used strawberries and grapes)
  • Coconut Shreds
  • Goji Berries

What to do:

  • Blend up your frozen fruit with as minimal water as possible to keep it like a slushie texture.
  • You can do it in colors like I have by blending sections of fruits together and adding them separately for fun!
  • Pour into the bowl.
  • Sprinkle your fruits and toppings on top!

How EASY was that?
And soooo delicious! Every day can be a new masterpiece and you can get as creative as you want with it! I like to play with colors and make designs on mine!

OK, now for the next recipe for those who might be a little bit more hungry in the morning!

Suped Up Oatmeal:

First thing’s first, if you have sensitive tummies you should always soak your oats and nuts ahead of time (I recommend doing this regardless as it helps make everything more digestible and friendly for your gut! A happy gut is a happy you!)

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What you need:

  • Nuts I used almonds and walnuts (soak overnight in filtered water)
  • Gluten free oats (soak overnight in filtered water)
  • Dried fruits I used raisins, goji berries and figs
  • Sliced banana
  • Chia seeds (soaked overnight)
  • Coconut butter (or any nut butter you like!)
  • Cacao powder
  • Coconut oil

What to do:

  • Boil your oats in water! (Follow your package instructions for measurement)
  • Let’s cut up our soaked nuts!
  • Cut your fruit into bite sized pieces!
  • Add nuts, fruit, chia, nut butter, cacao powder in with coconut oil when oats are ready!
  • Stir everything together!
  • Let cool and serve! Yum!

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This is actually really filling if you get the proportions right. It doesn’t take long! Throw the oats and nuts in a cup before you go to bed, cover and they're ready for you in the morning! This makes for a great vegan, gluten-free, breakfast! I hope you enjoy it!

Alrighty, what did I tell you? It's just that easy! Now, if you're more adventurous than this, check out my new chocolate pie recipe... there are no rules when this bad boy can be eaten. Breakfast is A-OK on my watch!

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Sending you love through (plant-based/vegan) food, as always! If you are new here, it's great to have you here!

I am a food fanatic as you'll surely see, and I am a strong believer in the power it has within it, and the ability it has to heal us! I aim to inspire through my recipes and posts and hope to connect with you here, through your heart. Some say the way to the heart is through the stomach, I might just agree with that theory ;)
If you'd like to see more, come on by!

PS: I am also running veganwednesday challenge every week! See here for more details on how to participate (and win by sharing some love!)

Until next time,
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