Announcement: Winners of Week 2 #veganwednesday Contest! Outstanding Entries This Week! Thank You for Participating! 🍋🍌🍍🍎


Happy #veganwednesday everyone! I am over the moon excited by the response to this challenge, this is week two already!

If you're new here and haven't heard of our #veganwednesday challenge yet? Check it out here!

The entries this week blew me away! We have so many more participants, it's great to see the engagement from all over! This has exceeded my expectations and the support coming in is nothing short of inspiring! This community is growing and I'm happy to see people within it following, supporting and encouraging each other! My dreams are coming true! This is just the beginning <3


Rules of the game:

I am notchyourmotha! I'm not here to tell you what or what not to eat but my contest, my rules so your entry must be vegan/plant-based ie: nothing can come from an animal!

As my loving and open rules state- you, yourself do not need to be vegan to enter this contest but your post does have to be! That means if it's a recipe please be sure to remember that animal products are not vegan! If you need help, feel free to comment and ask me!

Here's what I whipped up this week! Energizing, plant-based, chocolate pancakes! Vegan can be really fun, I promise!

final pancakes mocha.jpg

What day can I enter?

Originally I had meant for this to be a Wednesday only challenge however, I've extended it so that you can enter whatever day you want (much easier for you to enter that way!), but I will release the winners for the week on Wednesdays so the cutoff for the week will be Monday at 12UTC to give me time to go through them all. If you submit after that time, don't worry! I will consider your entry for the following week!

What's love got to do with it?

Please mention this contest in your post! I am trying to get a friendly community together here with similar interests so the more people who can find us, the more we can grow, the more we can learn, the more we can love! If you meet someone vegan-licious or plant-based-tastic, invite them to join in! The more the veggier!

How to participate:


  • Post what vegan means to you! This could be anything from vegan approved recipes (no animal products) to poems, to reviews... basically I am looking for vegan related content at your discretion (must be animal friendly!)
  • Tag it within #veganwednesday (using your first tag will help me find it!) and I will go through them every week, choosing a winner and announcing them each week!
  • If you do not tag it in #veganwednesday, sadly it can't count
    (I will have guest judges help me from time to time as well as we grow!)
  • Post your entry on each week's update (this post will serve as this week's, so post your submissions here!)
    Not very many of you did this part, I want to make sure I don't miss your entries so try to do it next week!
  • I will create a post announcing the winner each week along with any deserved mentions as to help foster a strong community bond for those of us who are trying to share our messages, love and inspiration with the world!
  • Only positive posts will be considered. This isn't a war for animal rights or a call out to tell people how to live! It's a loving, caring, sharing invitation to get to know each other and support our community!
  • Your content will be evaluated on how much heart you show! Pull on my heart strings and you got yourself a prize! <3

WINNER, WINNER (No Chicken Dinner!)


1st Prize: 5 SBD
The Boy Who Lives

This post melted my heart and for that, it took first prize. @thekitchenfairy walks us through her personal experience turning vegan all because of her son. Awww I'm not going to give her story away, take a peek at it yourself but thank you so much @thekitchenfairy for sharing it with us, I think it's amazing what kids can teach us if we only listen to them!

Honorable Mentions: (In no particular order, you are all awesome!)
(You'll all have a gift waiting in your wallets, thank you for participating!)

Finding a Sense of Purpose
You have a wonderful way of explaining what being vegan is to you! I fully support you and think your information is presented in such a way that people will be inspired! I love it!

Strawberry Rainbow
Well everyone, if you've not yet seen Lena's blog yet, you're in for a treat! This delicious vegan cake would satisfy any craving! A perfect example of how delicious vegan can be! <3 Thank you for sharing this beautifully crafted recipe!

Home Grown Nutrient Dense Green Juice
Coming in from @gardenofeden, our ever lovely @everlove ;) delivers us a sneak peak into the garden! With an abundance of fresh plant power to choose from, no wonder why everyone there is so full of vibrancy and life! I sure will be visiting next time I am in the states! Thank you for the wonderful tour! <3

Chocolate Icecream Shake!
Another @gardenofeden entry! @quinneaker is a mastermind when it comes to concocting goodies, in this case he mixes us a delicious chocolate icecream shake that had me craving one every day since I read his post ;) Thank you so much for the yumminess my friend!

Quinoa Falafel Ball Tacos
Our winner from last week showed up with another wonderful recipe! Amy warns us this recipe is no 30 min fix but assures us it's worth it! I would definitely agree judging by the pictures! Yum!

Thank you to everyone who contributed this week!

I wish I could choose every entry but at present, I am self-funding this entire contest as a way to bring the vegan/plant-based community together and into the public eye! However, I will and do always upvote all (eligible) entries!

If you or anyone you know would like to sponsor a weekly prize, give me a shout over in Discord or, the vegan community would be mighty grateful to have some more incentive to reward our lovely authors for their time!

I am loving see the new screen names in here, we're growing! I hope that we can all come together through a common interest here, and that this community can grow and our hearts can come together in this mission!

I encourage you all to connect with each other if you feel drawn to- let's make this group a loving, supportive, engaging community to call home!

Sending you love and gratitude for showing up here today! I LOVE #veganwednesday!


A note from @heart-to-heart's heart:
I have a compelling urge to inspire and assist anyone who would like to improve their health!
I would love for you to experience the same incredible health benefits I have received from changing what I put into my body.
I hope this challenge inspires you to consider new options in your diets and serves to help us connect to each other! Please engage with me here in the comments, on or in Discord! I am so excited to launch this initiative and can't wait to meet new friends and see your posts!


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