Pierogies Food Photo Shoot

I've shared my pierogie recipe in the past, but I decided to take some photos with the nice camera now as the old one was done with a cell phone camera.  This is probably my favorite food and this batch was probably my best batch, signaling success for future pierogies to come!

Starts with a simple dough including flour, water, butter, salt and egg. 

And creamy mashed potatoes, these had cheddar cheese and bacon pieces mixed in.

The finished dough heads to the fridge for a short chill.

And is later rolled out, cut, filled and shaped.

They get boiled until they float in the water, then removed.  They look like this after being boiled.

And there you have it, my favorite childhood food with a side of my new favorite cheese, goat cheese with an ash layer.

Check out some of my other recent Steemit Originals!

Dairy Free Instant Flan Fail Photo Shoot

The Shelf From Hell: Firing our Compadre...Again

Adventures Around Acapulco: Central Market, Honey Cart and Chickens

Thanks for following and subscribing! And thanks to @pauliepro for designing these viney images for me to use!

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