Raw Vibrant Rainbow Juice with @birdsinparadise!

Today we have the bright blessing to be visiting the beautiful home of @birdsinparadise! These are my (Wren's) parents, if you're not hip to that realization yet!


We made it down here from the Ozarks using our Veggie-powered car and now we're here for some exploration, relaxation, rejuvenation, self care, and some great communion and memory-making with these guys in the beautiful Florida weather! It's so important to spend every moment we can get with our loved ones. We all wont be here forever and the moments are so so precious.

We started the day off with a wonderful yoga practice. Stretching and grounding in our bodies; awakening dormant muscles and breathing into nooks and crannies we haven't visited for a while! We @mountainjewel need to rejuvenate this practice in our lives. Based on the release and stretching we felt today, we need to to practice yoga more! As the guide said,

Allow yourself the generosity of loving yourself through this...

This couldn't be more true for us: to balance all of the work, and let's face it, stressors, of creating a Center for Earth Connection, we need these deeply restorative Yin practices like yoga! We're happy to be here!


If you're not following @birdsinparadise, you probably haven't seen their daily incredible simple & healthy recipes. Each day she makes amazing, yummy, healthy food with funny storylines and educational tidbits! Follow her for more!

I am SO proud of my mom for kicking up their diet a notch with daily smoothies, green drinks, etc and her health care with a daily yoga practice, bike rides, tennis, etc. Check out a couple of her posts and follow her for more awesomeness!!

Incredible Blueberry Smoothie
How to Make Almond Milk at Home

What a blessing to have a parent that is taking care of their health. We can't control other people's choices, but we want to see them live out their later years in vibrancy and happiness. I'm so happy they're taking these steps to live healthy lives!


This morning after yoga, @birdsinparadise graced us with a delicious Raw Vibrant Rainbow Juice!

This juice made our bodies sing, literally! After a slow winter season, this juice was just what our bodies have been craving. This liquid potion was obviously made with love and organic produce.


It included carrots, beets, cucumber, apple and lemon and had a delightfully balanced flavor.

@birdsinparadise sure knows how to make a tasty juice, WOW.

Consuming live raw juices are a sure way to get your body feeling great and a perfect way to continue self love post yoga.

Raw juices deliver the powerful life-force of the produce in a delicious and digestible format and are:

  • Full of enzymes to supports digestion and other bodily functions
  • Mineral rich
  • A Great source of vitamins
  • Full of antioxidants



A word on beets

This particular juice featured beets, which happen to be one our favorite vegetables. They contain nitrates and can help to support physical stamina, but only if the beets are consumed raw (the nitrates responsible for this are altered by heat). Have you ever felt the tickle in the back of the throat from drinking too much beet juice? I certainly have, and it's not my favorite thing, but beet juice mixed in with other produce helps balance the sometimes intense flavor.


Nitrates also help to increase blood flow and help in lowering blood pressure. The deep color in beets is due to the presence of betalaine, a water-soluble antioxidant which may help protect the body from cancer. sourceBetelaine also reduces inflammation and aids in detoxification by supporting the liver and helping to flush out toxins. YAY for beets!


One last note on beets... if you consume enough of them, they will color your urine. Quite shocking at first, but normal and harmless.


This juice started us out on our day feeling vibrant, open and grateful. What a better way to start the day?

We believe in taking care of ourselves as important part of supporting each other, the Earth and all living beings. We live in these temples called bodies that are walking miracles and capable of so much, but only if we treat them right. Eating high-vibing foods, fostering positive and uplifting attitudes and taking time for breathing and healthy movement are all parts of living the BEST LIFE WE CAN! Vegan or not, we can all help create a better world one decision at a time.

Shout out to @heart-to-heart for the inspiration to share more details on why Rainbow Vibrant Juice is so great for you! We love plant-based vibrant foods and they make us feel great! Here are the rules to her contest, should you also want to participate!


  • Post what vegan means to you!

This could be anything from vegan approved recipes (no animal products) to poems, to reviews... basically I am looking for vegan related content at your discretion (must be animal friendly!)

  • Tag it within #veganwednesday. If you do not tag it in #veganwednesday, sadly it can't count!

  • Mention the contest in your post to promote vegan love across Steemitland!

  • Post your entry on each week's update (this post will serve as this week's, so post your submissions here!) Share the post with your friends and have them vote on your comment to win!

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There are some serious explorations planned for this week so stay tuned as we visit

  • Food Forests

  • Permaculture Demonstration Sites

  • Kayak in the Everglades

  • Beaches

  • Rest/Recharge/ Spa Time

  • And more!

We're happy and thankful to be here! Bright blessings!

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