Fresh Local Produce? Yes Please!

This food is what I bought at the Local Farmers Market. Yes you can have fresh local produce, you should have it in fact. Now if I can do it anyone can. If you have a Local Farmers Market or Co op. Please get up and go take a look, today.

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It's more fresh, more nutritious, and every single item in these photographs has a story and I know what that story is!

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Talk to the growers, meet other people who grow and buy local food, these people are incredibly friendly and just love to talk about what the do and why.

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Even If you can only do it one day a week or one day a month, go, buy enough food to make just one meal from all local ingredients.

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You are worth it, your Family is worth it and the growers deserve our support far more than the huge supermarket chains.
And, AND... they are far more sustainable.

I truly believe that this is food for your soul, try it, tell me what you think.

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