So, life can certainly be overwhelming at times, but then again, so can cucumbers. It looks like we’ve finally pulled through and the end is in sight. After pickling like an absolute mad-man, eating a ton of fresh cukes, giving a bunch away, drinking a lot of “cucumber water” and having a constant brain-storm on what to use them in, it looks like we’ll be wrapping things up in the near future, as least pertaining to cucumbers anyway. Kiwanos will probably be next…
This “Cucumber Experiment” adventure has been a good one, and there should still be a few more good ideas to come. I really like all the comments and advice that people are offering, so keep up the good work, Steemians!
Today’s adventure is EGG SALAD BOATS.
(I know it doesn’t really sound that exciting, but I tried…)
1 Cucumber
6 Hardboiled Eggs
1/3 Cup Mayonnaise
1 Tablespoon Yellow Mustard
1 Teaspoon Ground Black Pepper
White Onion
Cut Cucumber in half and remove the inside with a spoon.
Fine dice Eggs, Dill, and a few slices of the Onion
Put Black Pepper, Yellow Mustard, and Mayonnaise in a mixing bowl
Mix ingredients, fill inside of Cucumber with Egg Salad mixture & serve
Well folks, that was another quick and simple one, yet, it was another one that I had never considered before. The flavors work very well and the “boat” is easy to handle and enjoy. This “experiment” was just one piece of a wonderful meal that we got to enjoy last night, and I know that without steemit I would have never made such a meal. The other special dishes were my Steemit Food Challenge Dessert Entry and The Best Trout Recipe I Know.
A big thank you to all of you just for being a part of the community and helping it exist!
To check out the previous Cucumber Experiments, click the links below:
As always, I’m @papa-pepper and here’s the proof:
Awesome logo kindly provided by @vlad.