Recipe - A light salad

After the healthy wrap two days ago, I still had some ingredients left.


What better way to finish those than to make a salad! It is basically the same ingredients, but without the wraps and everything's just cut into pieces. Here are the ingredients (I used less, because I had already made wraps with them):

  • 1 Cucumber
  • 1 Can of corn
  • 1 Avocado
  • 200g Lettuce
  • A few slices of grilled chicken
  • Honey mustard dressing

After slicing them up, throwing them together and making a perfect picture, mix it all!


This, together with the wrap, was most of our dinner two days ago. I'm kind of glad my boyfriend felt like good old pasta yesterday, because that was way more filling. But hey, if it works for a poor, nauseous person, it works.

He's slowly getting better now!

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