How To Build A Rocket Stove Part 2: These Are What I Use In My Outdoor Kitchen To Feed 40,000+ FREE Meals a Year!

Greetings Steemians!!!

As usual I want to start by saying I am grateful to be here on this revolutionary platform with all you cutting edge Steemians!

With every post I want to contribute something of REAL value and while it may not be to realistic for most people I can honestly say that there is little in my life more practically valuable than these ROCKET STOVES!


We @gardenofeden use these EVERY day to prepare food not only for the entire community but also for the many people outside the community we feed daily. We take food to the fire stations to say thanks for their service to saving peoples lives (unlike the police) and we feed homeless people who almost never get delicious or healthy food. We give boxes of food to single mothers or people who just lost their job or are having difficult financial times. 

We do all of this at unprecedented sustainable standards without any government funding or rich benefactors. Just a lot of dedication and hard work!

So I participated in a FOOD CHALLENGE where I prepared a main course and a dessert in just 15 minutes in the dark in my outdoor kitchen! I had a successful response to this and it was a lot of fun, you can see it here. So I decided to share a video of HOW TO MAKE A ROCKET STOVE part 1 for anyone who is interested in the very unique set up we have. You can see that post here!


Now I am making this post to share the next video of HOW TO MAKE A ROCKET STOVE. Even if you don't use these every day for everything they can be built anywhere and they work REALLY REALLY well as you can see if you check my video on the food challenge I participated in. What is more important for sustainability factors is the fuel. I am sure to ALLWAYS use trash as the fuel as it is FAR and away the MOST sustainable resource available. Until there is NO trash any way to USE trash is the most sustainable solution!

So here it is the second video of HOW TO MAKE A ROCKET STOVE!

Thanks for your support, it means a lot to me and I assure you it will go to helping a LOT of people. 

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