STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #39 Baby Food: "Figging Delicious" Nutritious & Delicious SUPER Baby Food 20 ingredients 100% WildCrafted HOME GROWN!


I am very motivated by this wonderful challenge!

It is calling forth 3 of my specialties, parenting, health and food alchemy!

I officially enter this "Figging Delicious Recipe" 

There is nothing I care more about then the health happiness and freedom of my children and this challenge allows me to use my culinary alchemy to promote both the health and happiness of my children!

Yesterday I made a post showcasing one of my SUPER health alchemies for high levels of thrival titled "Ultimate Uber Super Food Juice Alchemy!"

Believe it or not all my children including my babies eat this every day!

I hope you check it out as I will be utilizing this potent power in my baby food recipe challenge today while simultaneously making it delicious enough for not only my baby but my 6 and 4 year old to gobble it all up!

Thats right my children eat healthier than 99.9% of you! ;-)>

Ok ok I don't really like competition but lets get to the challenge!

For this challenge my #1 intention was to make something that was delicious enough for my baby to happily eat all up !

My #2 intention was to make it as healthy as possible! That is why I included my Ultimate Uber Super Food Juice Alchemy in this baby food!

My #3 intention as with EVERYTHING is to make it as sustainable as possible! So 100% of the over 20 ingredients in this Super Baby Food are grown, harvested and prepared here in The Garden of Eden!

My #4 intention was to make it look kinda nice for the appeal of this culinary challenge! I know how important the presentation of food is to adults and this challenge is judged by adults and voted upon by adults so this is the main reason for this. I hope that even if my baby food is not the prettiest that you will see how much he loved it, how healthy it is and consider the fact that it is 100% wild crafted. 

So for this Figging Delicious Super Baby Food recipe I start with two ounces of Ultimate Uber Super Food Juice Alchemy and about 6 ounces of frozen figs. 

Now this looks very basic as if its only 2 ingredients and in a way it is very SIMPLE and thats why I love it so much! 

Yet on the other hand take into account that this "Ultimate Uber Super Food Juice Alchemy" is made from over 20 different wildcrafted Garden of Eden super foods! You have to check the link to really get a good idea and fig trees that have taken 6 years to cultivate into prosperity!

Next throw them in a blender!

I added the EXACT proper ratio so that is was difficult to blend but still blended that way its thick like ice cream! 

If it doesn't blend properly add a little water or more green juice, if its to watery then add more frozen figs!

I know I know it looks kinda like baby poo.......What goes in comes out....Its part of life! Please don't hold that against me judges!

When its perfect then slop it into a cup or bowl (normally parents would never give children/babies glass but these children  live dangerously) 

The REAL truth is that little Quinoku was well aware I was making him food and was ready to eat it before all this plating, photographing and labeling shenanigans....

Thankfully he is already mastering patience and allowed a few extra minutes (for a baby that is like ETERNITY) for plating, photoing and the proper protocols....

Honestly I put it in a kinda nice glass, old school ice cream cup, because it looked a little better than a plastic baby bowl and I fed it to them and let them play with it too! 

Though realistically a plastic bowl is more practical.....

Now its on to the WHOLE PURPOSE of this dish, (if it weren't for the challenge that is) FEAST TIME!

Because my super activated and responsible QiQi is like a little momma she insisted on feeding him!

He loved it from the first bite till the last!

I of course got some too, because as competent as he is for an 8 month old, he spills a bit ;-)>

We literally ate it ALL to the last scrapings of the bowl. Lil Quinoku Cute fed him self for the last little bits and had a lot of fun while refining his motor skills! He even gave you a lil wave for the contest ;-)>

I hope you like the SUPER GIF and are inspired by the SUPER sustainable, delicious and nutritious baby food!

To top it all off lil Qinoku Cute got to take a sink bath (cause he always gets dirty having so much fun!) and that gave me time to clean up all the mess!

I put a lot of time/energy into this article and took me WAY longer than it takes to make food all day long for my babies. That is how much I LOVE Steemit!

I hope this inspires you to new levels of culinary mastery, including delicious, nutritious and SUSTAINABLE results!

As Always I Appreciate Your Support & Welcome Your Feedback!


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