Adventures @ SteemFest 2: Feast Blast 4

For just a wee little taste of the thousands of photos I took over the last month,

I now present:

The Feasts of SteemFest 2! 

Day 2
(Day 1 here ~ here ~ & here)

On Friday, the shuttle buses took us from the HF Fenix hotels to the secret spot = Estrada Montes Claros in the bright & early morning. This was a lovely place with nice lawns, gardens, and a pond, and once again there was a marvelous spread set out to receive us!

Countless more creamy & delicious pastels de nata - I wonder how many of these we devoured??? @roelandp joked that he was actually hired to market these tasty little pastries, and that SteemFest 2 was his elaborate plan to do so :)  

Brownies for the chocolate lovers

Savory samiches to cut the sweets

Of course there was more coffee & HALLELUJAH! - because sleep is not a priority at SteemFest.

Steemians like to EAT! 

And Steemians like to DRINK! Oh my god, do the Steemians like to drink...perhaps the only reason for all the food was to soak up all the alcohol...

On the second day of the conference, drinks were poured around noon and we all stayed drunk until yesterday. 

After a morning of presentations, waiters suddenly appeared with trays and trays and trays and trays of more food! 

They first passed out little bowls of alcohol soup. It was warm, wholesome, creamy, and satisfying; it might have been pumpkin or some other kind of squash. 

Then there was pasta! 

And trays of roast beef sandwiches! 

They all had green sauce on them, but you could also dank them up with mustard or mayo. 

This was my favorite food from all of SteemFest (except maybe the pastels de nata)! I'm told it's a take on a Portuguese classic called bacalhau, with cod fish and hashbrown-style shredded potatoes. 

Yes yes.

You can never have too much fruit.

And for dessert, there were some creamy chocolate pudding/mousses with something crumbled on top that I hoped was like the inside of a Reese's peanut butter cup, and I was not disappointed.

Steemy yumminess! @quinneaker

Everyone had their favorite experiences from SteemFest 2, but the food was certainly a commonality! There was so just so very much to share.

At the end of the second conference day, we had another fancy meal together - I'll share it in an upcoming post :)

For anyone who follows the @gardenofeden, you know that sharing food is one of our favorite things to do! It's profound to join in quality company while eating; the matter & energy we consume becomes our physical bodies. It's a meaningful social act to have a meal together, and I'm grateful to share the feasts with you here on the blockchain so even more people can enjoy. 

Thanks to @roelandp, @ned, @dantheman, @aggroed, @ausbitbank, @benjojo, @blueorgy, @edb, @ericvancewalton, @firepower, @good-karma, @gringalicious, @gtg, @hitmeasap, @kevinwong, @lichtblick, @mariandavp, @timcliff, @shenanigator, @skapaneas, @userperson321, @walterjay, @quinneaker, @abit, @arhag, @blocktrades, @pharesim, @riverhead,@smooth, @wackou, @joseph, @theprophet0, @richardcrill, @benjojo, @steemfestdreams, @aggroed, @knozaki2015, @ausbitbank, @stellabelle, & @cervantes for making the amazing STEEMFEST 2 possible for us all!

💛 Sara! 

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